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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Power of Prayer

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."
Acts 4:31

God has really been speaking to me about the subject of prayer. And as I have been reading through the Acts of the Apostles I keep seeing how important prayer is to the work of the Kingdom and the lives & ministries of the apostles. We find this played out in Acts 4.

One thing that keeps coming back to me is the fact that I don't think they experienced or practiced prayer as we know it today. NOPE!! For the majority of us - we don't have stinkin' clue about prayer. Especially when I hear phrases like, "Let's have a quick word of prayer and we'll get to the business at hand" - often heard in church meetings held by church "leaders." As though God is some kind of drive-by prayer chapel like the wedding chapels you find in Vegas with an Elvis ready to lock two love-birds in blissful matrimony.

I don't think "quick" and "prayer" ever entered their mind in the same sentence. I think there was a deep, deep desire within them for what they prayed and asked God for. I believe they, unlike many Christians today, wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and His power, so they could speak the Word of God boldy, because knew they were going to continue to tell, share, and preach the gospel to anyone and everyone. In a very short time they had come from a scattered, timid group of followers to a force to be reckoned with. Prayer, power, and preaching had become a way of life for these new believers. With that came a longing and praying for something they really wanted - power to speak boldly.

I think we often ask for such things from God for the wrong reasons. We are enamored with the idea and by-products of revival - lives changed, more people in church, everyone lovin' on each other, everything hunky-dorey. But I don't know if we are in love with real revival and what it takes to experience it. So why would God blow through our lives as He did those in Acts 2? Do we really want to be empowered by God to do great and mighty things for Him? Do we realize the cost we will/may have to pay to receive such power? Do we realize the sacrifices we may have to suffer for the cause of Christ to get what we are praying for? Do we REALLY want what we ask for?

I think if God were to grant our desires and He were to bring revival among His people, we would be very much surprised at the changes it would bring. I think there would be a change in how we see people - ready to love your mother-in-law or the homosexual? I think there would be a change in priorities - children in small groups learning God's Word rather than allstars? I think there would be a difference in how we worship and how men lead their families. I think the way we see our possessions would be different - ready to sell the truck to give to someone who has a need?

The question I keep coming back to is, "Do we REALLY want what we are asking for?"

Do we REALLY want to be different? Do we REALLY want to be used by God? Do we REALLY want to give up stuff for Him?

The better question is, DO I?

Sweet Restoration

Healing, sweet restoration, it can happen. It does happen. No matter how difficult things get, no matter how deep we go in our valley - healing is always an available. Peter says so.

In Acts 3 we read of Peter healing a lame man who, day after day from birth, had to be carried to one of the temple gates to beg for money and any kind of help he could he get. The coolest thing was that Peter looked at him, got his complete attention, and gave him not what he was asking for, but what Peter had to give him - healing!

Then Peter turned to the crowd and told them that this man's healing was possible through the powerful name of Christ and through the power of the faith that comes through Christ.

What about my healing? Your healing?

Peter says that in the name of Jesus and faith that comes through Him, God makes complete restoration possible. It takes faith, but it takes faith in Christ. When both are present healing does take place. But our fiath must be totally in Christ - no wavering - nothing else. Our fatih cannot be obstructed or misplaced - as in ourselves, our abilities, or someone else - otherwise we will not expererience true, unabated healing.

Now remember, healing doesn't always come in the form we think or wish. And it definitely doesn't happen when we always want it to.

Regardless. . .healing from the hurts and pains of the valley can and will take place. . .when our faith is in and through the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Where's your faith?


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mere Ramblings and Emotions

Went to my first wedding since Karen's death. I went alone. The wedding was good. Went well. But there was still this "something" inside me that made me a little sad.

Maybe it's because I remember our wedding day. That was one incredible day. Anyway. . .I don't know why, but it wasn't as easy to sit there and watch.

Then again, I was kind of in a funk this afternoon. Ever have those days? I hope I'm not the only one. Of course I'm kinda weird, so what's new. Maybe I'm just tired. Probably just need a good night'a rest or something.

I keep thinking Satan's using my emotions against me. He does that, you know. I can't allow my emotions to control me. That's EXACTLY what Satan wants to happen. If I give in to my emotions I miss out on God's leadership.

When you're in the midst of the valley it's easy to give in to our emotions. That's because we are so full of mixed up emotionas. . .DUH! So, I've praying and asking God to guard and protect my heart and my mind. I'm still not out of the woods yet, but God is faithful and I have turn every thought and every emotion over to Him or I'm a goner!!

Got to catch some zzzzzzzz,

Friday, June 23, 2006

Winds of Change

Do you ever have those moments when something changes inside you - that "AHA" moment when you realize something for the first time? You know - those moments in time that, for the first time, something comes alive in you or something is made so evidently clear you will remember it forever?

I had one of those times sitting in church listening to a pastor speak on Acts 2. I still remember that moment to this day. He began teaching on the 2nd chapter of Acts and he used the phrase, "the winds of change." When he did I thought, "WOW!! That's exactly what happened." It was like for the first time in my life I realized the change Pentecost had on the followers of Christ. The sound like a rushing wind brought change that would forever change the course of history.

Later I was doing a study on the presence of God in the Old and New Testaments. I found in the Old Testament God's presences was usually represented by fire and/or smoke. And very rarely did He speak personally to the people of God. Usually there was a leader, a prophet, or a king through whom He spoke. At Pentacost, I beleive, God stopped being a corporate God and became a personal God. Don't crucify me here if you disagree. What I mean by that is that now people, individuals, for the first time in history could have a personal relationship with God. They could go directly to God rather than through someone else as in the Old Testament. ALL believers, children of God, would be filled by God's presence, the Holy Spirit. This doesn't mean He's not a corporate God. He is, but in the sense that believers come together to make up the corporate Body of Christ.

(Does this make sense? I hope I'm explaining myself here, if not let me know and I will try to do a better job)

ANYWAY. . .what does this have to do with being in the midst of the valley? It has a lot to do with it. What this means is that everyone one of us in the valley who have become children of God through salvation have access to the same Spirit. Not only do we have access, but we are filled with the same power.

This week I was meeting with a man who, in his own right, is going through a personal valley. And when I shared with him that he has access to the same power and the same Spirit I do, it was like a light went on inside of him. It blew him away!! He had never looked at it like that.

Maybe you haven't either. Reading this could be the first time you have ever thought that you have access to the same Spirit and the same Power that I do and any other Christian does. Claim that power. . .ask God to fill you with that Spirit. Ask God to blow the winds of change through your heart. It WILL make a change in your perspective of your valley. Don't let another moment go by without living in the Spirit and power of God. 2 Timothy 1:7 says. . .

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Do don't wonder through the valley afraid adn timid. You have the Spirit of power and love and self-discipline in you. CLAIM IT AND LIVE IT!

Blow winds blow!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Good Spots

Recently God convicted me of my quiet time - it had gotten to the point that it wasn't the quality of time God deserved. You see, for years I got up in time to get a shower, take care of the zoo, get dressed and head off to the office where I would hang out with God for a while. My office. . .it was always my sanctuary. I don't know why, except it seemed I could shut the world out and focus on spending time with God. Recently it had lost it's "sanctuary" rating. I found myself in a rut. Know what a rut is? It's a grave with both ends kicked out. So my quiet time with God was dead and going no where. I had to do something different. If my time with God was to be meaningful I had to change something.

So what changed? Glad you asked. I changed my time and place.

I get up around 6:00 am now, whether I like it or not. I feed the cats, get the dogs their Scooby snack, and grab some Starbucks as I head to one of two spots.

The first the back patio, if it's cooler. I like going outside. I get to pet the dogs and watch the cats play as well as feel the cool breezes that blow through my back yard.

The second is the purple chair. It's really cool. It's a double chair that wraps around you when you sit in it. The cushions and arms are filled with down. So when I sit in it, it sucks me in and wraps around me.

Either place allows me to feel the cool breezes, hear the low, soft clanging sound of the chimes. Listen to the birds chirping and playing in the trees around the house. I get to hear and see Gods creation doing what it was designed to do . . .live.

I read and spend time writing and praying. This time alows me to do that. These spots have provided a new enthusiasm and re-fueled my time with God. It's like I can't wait to get there. They are special spots. Spots that have meaning only to me. . .no one else.

Where is your spot? In the car on the way to work? At the kitchen table? In your bed?

Do you have a special spot where you meet with God on a regular basis? Has your quiet time found itself in a rut - remember the definition of a rut? Hmm. . .hmmm??

I want to encourage you to find that spot. The spot where you meet with God. The spot where you can hear God. The spot that fuels your passion for Him.

If you're in the valley, this is of utmost importance. It's hard to find your way out of the valley without it. So get to tryin', look around, find that SPOT!!!


Devoting yourself to prayer

If you were waiting for today's post. . .sorry! Had to get the yard mowed and cleaned up this morning before it gets too hot. So, here it is.

I've jumped to the book of Acts. It's one of those books of the Bible I have read chapters, verses. . .parts of, but never the entire book straight through. Aannnddd Awayyyyy we gooooo. . .

As I read Acts 1 I was drawn to verse 14. . .

They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

It seems that after Jesus left them to sit at the right hand of the Father the first thing they did was gather together and prayed. I don't know about you, but my inclination is not always to turn to prayer - to turn to the Father. Sometimes, acutally more times than I would like to admit, I try it on my own or seek advice from well-meaning friends rather than going into my prayer closet and asking for God's leadership.

This was a new season in the lives of the apostles and the followers of Christ. It had been three years since they did anything without Jesus being there. Now they were alone. They didn't have Him there guiding, helping, teaching, and leading them. In a sense they were experiencing their own particular valley. So what did they do? "Hey. . .I know, let's gather together and pray. . .let's seek God's face!"

We valley experiencers can take a page from their book. Maybe the next time you and I are feeling a little alone, a little pressure from our valley. . . take time to pray. Seek God's face. Spend some time in intentional prayer.

If you're not sure what to do next stop right now and pray. Ask God what He wants. Tell Him how you feel. Let Him know what's going on inside. I know from experience He listens and hears your prayers. It's up to you and me to go to Him.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good Days!

While I was serving at First Baptist Church in Terrell, Texas I would walk through the worship center meeting and greeting folks on Sunday mornings. Some were senior adults who couldn't sit through both Bible study and worship, so they came to worship.

I remember greeting one couple asking if they were having a good day. His response still brings a smile to my face. He said, "At my age, Brother Mike, everyday I can wake up and shake the sheets is a good day!" I still get a laugh out of his reply.

You see, good days are relative. Some have a good day because they woke up and can both feet on the floor. Some declare a good day when their wife is in the car and they are pulling out of the drive way ON TIME!

(guys I used the two-minute drill with Karen - I declared in two minutes I was pulling out of the driveway and made my way to the car. This let her know she had to stop doing stuff and leave. I know some of you are saying to yourselves right now, "How dare he!" Oh c'mon, Karen, herself, admitted that if it wasn't for me she would be late to everything. Anyway, it worked for us.)

I tell you this from more than a year in the valley - EVERYDAY IS A GOOD DAY!! God's Word declares, "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalms 188:24). I don't know about you, but for me that says that everyday the Lord gives me is a good day. I'm to receive it, rejoice in it, get glad about it. It doesn't matter if it's raining relational, financial, or personal problems. The simple fact that God made this day and gave it to me is the only reason it is a good day!

HEY VALLEY EXPERIENCERS - Listen up! I've been through some of the darkest days anyone one person can experience in the valley. It wasn't that I didn't receive a good day. . .I DIDN'T WANT A GOOD DAY! I wanted to wallow around in the mire of self-pity and problems. I wanted to declare, "O woe is me!!" I wanted to be angry and frustrated. I wanted my way.

All that will do is eat at you 'till it destroys you. STOP IT!! Get up, dust yourself off, and receive the gift of this day and rejoice in the One who loves you more and deeper than your pain, your grief, your loss, your hurt, your feelings, your emotions, your. . .(you fill in the blank).

Smile, sing, encourage someone else, confess, repent, receive. Whatever it takes for you to have a good day. . .DO IT! Remember, your good days are relative to you, not what others think you should have. Maybe today if you can shake the sheets you need praise the Lord for a good day. Maybe for you it's being able to put one foot in front of another today. Maybe a good day for you is being around people. It could be that a good day for you is simply facing the day.


Loving Today,

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bring It On!

When I played sports on a more regular basis - days before aches and pains lasted much longer than I think they should - I was very, very competitive. I hated to lose more than I loved to win. I didn't - actually I couldn't - do anything for "fun." And if I won I wanted to win from the best. I wanted my opponent's best. If I found out that they only gave me even 99% instead of 100% it would infuriate me!

I must say that I was gracious when we started. I always wished my opponent well. . .well, sort of. When my opponent was as arrogant and as cocky as I was that would get under my skin. . .waayyyyy under my skin. Then, my attituded changed and it was on - Bring it on!!

I'm not that way anymore. I still love to win, but I'm a lot more gracious and I smile and laugh a lot more when I play games. But I still want to do my best and I still expect my opponent's best.

God's like that - whoooaaaa, wait a minute, I'm not saying God is like me :) - I'm saying God wants our best. He wants us to bring our best to Him, not to compete with God, but to be used by God. In Exodus 35 God tells us about Moses going to the people and asking for their best - gold, linen, fabric, even their skills - for the tabernacle.

It's pretty cool that when everyone steps up and brings their best to God and GIVES IT TO HIM to be used as HE wishes there is more than enough. Check out Exodus 36:4-5 -

So all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left their work 5 and said to Moses, "The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the LORD commanded to be done."

I believe that when we all bring our best to God - whatever it is. . .financial resources, gifts, abilities, passions, experiences, physical resources - we will have more than enough to do what God calls us to do.

So what's this have to do with being in the valley? Hhhmmmm. . . Let's see - even if I'm in the valley I have something to contribute to the Kingdom. If I bring my best - even if it's a little bit - God can still use it? No matter what it is? And if I focus on serving God and being used by Him rather than focusing me and my problems I will experience a fresh presence of God?

Don't know about you, but this valley thing can definitely get in my way of bringing my best to God to be used by Him. What about you? What CAN you bring? What DO you have that He can use? Where IS your focus?

Only you can answer these questions. He's waiting. . .so BRING IT ON!

Bringing what I have,

Saturday, June 17, 2006

What a Wonderful World

Yesterday (Friday) I was driving and heard a song that made me think of Karen. It was her favorite song - Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World. I just happended upon it as I was messing with the radio (like that's new, eh?) and as soon as I heard it I stopped. To me it will always be Karen's favorite song - wait a minute it always be Karen's favorite song, right? - but to me that's how I will always remember it. It could be a bajillion other people's favorite song, but, to me, it will be Karen's. Ok I think I've gone down that road long enough- get the idea?

In case you don't know or remember the words here they are:

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

(instrumental break)

The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin...*spoken*(I ....love....you).

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than Ill never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.

Anyway. . .the song made me think of Karen. For a time it was about missing her, for a very short time. No, what really came to mind was the way Karen viewed this "wonderful" world.

She lived life as though this life. . .this world. . .was really very wonderful. She would be the first to admit that her world. . .her heavenly world. . .is so much better, but I believe she saw just how wonderful this world is and can be.

She saw the sky as this incredible blue canvas. She saw the red roses and the trees of green. I think she noticed all these amazingly spectacular sights of this life because she took time for the little things in life. Little things like. . .

Stopping to smell the roses
Spending time with friends and family
Loving children - of all ages
Noticing the colors of the world around us
Making people laugh
Laughing at herself
Putting others first

For Karen, this is a wonderul world and she lived every minute she could appreciating it and making it wonderful for someone else.

If you're in the midst of a valley, stop. . .stop and smell some roses, smile at a stranger, call an old friend or family member, love on some children, play with them, laugh, make somene else laugh. There are a million ways to to see what a wonderful world our world actually is.

I guarantee it will change your perspective of the valley. Karen changed mine, whose will you change today?

I hope the next time you hear this song it will serve as a reminder of what a wonderful world we do live in.

What a Wonderful World,

Friday, June 16, 2006

Standing in the Gap

One thing my brothers and I was taught growing up was to stick up for each other. And that's what we did. I know some of you don't doubt that for a moment. Our mentality was we could fight with each other, but no one else could fight us. And believe me, we fought. Our definition of a fair fight was one that you won. Soooo. . .everything was legal - whatever you could do to win was acceptable. But if you were smart, you would stay out of our fights, 'cause the same went for your fight with me or either of my brothers - everything was fair. As the oldest I took it upon myself to take up for my brothers, on occasion they did the same for me. Now let me set the record straight. . .we never started a fight, we never went looking for a fight, but if you started it - we were to finish it! End of story!!

As I was reading Exodus 32-34 this morning I realized that people - valley experiencers in particular - need someone who will fight for them. . .stand in the gap for them. Sometimes they can't fight for themselves - they're too hurt and beat up. Sometimes they are simply oblivious to the fact that they need someone to stand on their behalf before God. Sometimes they are full of shame or too guilt-ridden to ask for help.

Moses did this a couple of times. He did it when God was REALY, REALY hot at the Israelites and wanted to wipe them out. Then there was Moses - he reminded God that these were His people - not that God needed to be reminded, but Moses seemed to have a way of calming God down (if that's possible) - like a good friend.

On another occasion Moses stepped up and asked God to go with them when they moved forward. He pleaded with God not to send them out without His presense or the Israelites wouldn't be any different than the rest of the world.

I don't know if the poeple of Israel realize how fortunate they were to have a Moses stand in the gap for them. I don't think they knew how many times they were close to total obliteration. God wanted to get rid of them, or at least remove His hand from them, but, once again, there was Moses. There was always Moses. . .standing up for the people.

There are so many people - valley experiencers - who feel like they, themselves, are on the brink. . .the edge. . .so close to obliteration, and they need someone who will come before a merciful God and plead their case. I need it and so do many others.

Who does God want you to stand up for this week? Flock - who has God put in your path this week that needs SOMEONE. . .ANYONE. . .to plead their case before Almighty God? They are there, now stop and think whoooo has God placed in your life recently? And are they going through a valley - it doesn't have to be huge, just a valley? What is their specific need?


Next step - pray for them. Make it a habit of coming before Holy God and pleading their case. . .presenting their need. Then wait. . .wait and watch God do something you never expected, or they either for that matter.

Stepping Up,

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Time Heals All Wounds. . .NOT!!!

I've heard, over the years, that time heals all wounds. Let me just set the record straight - NOT!!

I mean, c'mon, ever seen a wound get infected? Yeah, time and leaving it alone equals infection. I know, I have enough scars on my body from injuries that I know how to take take of wounds. You clean them out, put some kind of medicine on it to keep it FROM getting infected, bandage it up for a time, remove the bandage so it can get some air and heal PROPERLY.

If you think about it, time heals all wounds doesn't even make sense. So. . .let me get this straigt - if I hurt~emotionally, spiritually, relationally, psychologically~and I just don't do anything to help, then over time I will heal? Hmmmm. Don't know about you but seems kind of suspicious, wouldn't you say?

Let me give you a better recipe for healing. . .
Time+God's healing work (this could be through His Spirit, His Word, and/or His people) = healing.

If you're hurting. . .been wounded. . .and it's still a little tender, then allow me to encourage you to stop the tried-and-not-so-true method of just letting time do the mending. Bring your pain, your wound, into the presence of Jehovah Raphe (The God Who Heals - this is one of His names). The Great Physician, the one who created you, knows you best. He has just what you need. Let Him begin the healing process.

I will tell you that healing God's way does take time. Healing won't happen over night, but it will happen a lot sooner than relying time and nothing else. Besides you don't want all that puss shooting out on everything when you bump that infected wound on something, do you?

God heals. . .but it takes time. Stop what you're doing and show Him your wound. He can take it. He's seen it all.

Healing with Helper,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I don't know about you, but I love it when someone encourages me. It makes me feel good. . .valued. Since sharing my story and the lessons from the valley Sunday night I have received words of encouragement - written, spoken, even through hugs (I like hugs :) ).

Flock - pay special attention to this. One of the opportunities we have as the flock is to encourage those going through various valleys. In short - it's the church being the church. Paul instructs us to "carry each other's burdens." The picture here is like a fellow athlete who comes alongside an injured player and gets underneath him and helps him off the field. You know what I'm talking about. You've probably seen it many times. Is that not a great picture of helping each other with their burdens. . .the weight of their valley?

I have been quite blessed this past year to have so many people in my life who, at different times and in as many ways, came alongside me and got under my burden with me. I can't tell you how good it feels to have someone do that for you.

So, church. . .lets BE the church! Encourage someone today. It only takes a moment, a card or note or email, a word, a hug, a mowed yard, some flowers, a meal . . .I think you get the picture.

Encouraged beyond belief,

Monday, June 12, 2006

Be Honest

I'm just a little tired this morning. I had a very busy weekend - hangin' with folks, house stuff, and teaching this weekend. It's a good tired, though. I like it.

Last night I shared 4 Lessons from the Valley with our folks here at First Baptist North Mobile. I thought it was good simply because I was able to share my story with our people, some who have yet to hear it. But it was good because I believe everyone of us will experience valley times. . .low times. . .hard times in our lives. No one serves as an exception. I also believe that there are a lot of people attending church who are not honest with themselves, others, or God about their valley.

Just think, the only one they are fooling is themselves. God already knows. Some sheep know, those who don't. . .well they just don't know enough about their situation to help.

Hopefully God was able to open doors to some hearts allowing people, even Christians, to be honest for the first time.

Listen, if you're experiencing a valley time in your life, be sure to tell someone. And if you don't know anyone or don't trust anyone, let me know. If nothing else I can pray for you!

Sooooo, until tomorrow - don't be a fool, be honest!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


I was thinking about it this morning. . .how good laughter is for us.

The best laugher were Karen and two of her high-school friends - Paige and Kristi. They would start laughing and then nothing would come out, but tears. They wouldn't breathe, they wouldn't even have to say anything and it was like they knew what the others were thinking and they woudl start all over again. I miss those days, but I also cherish them, because of what it meant to Karen and me in her last days.

Valley experiencers - when was the last time you laughed? When was the last time your face hurt from smiling, your innards where sore from laughing so hard, tears poured from your eyes from joy?

Recently I begain lauging - again. It's been a while. I know what it's like to not want to laugh or even think you can. There are times when the sorrow seems too great. . .when the pain is too deep. But I have come to believe that laughter is like salve for the soul. It DOES help.

There's something about laughter that moves us forward in the valley. Laughter doesn't allow us to dig our heels in and camp out in a spot. It gives us momemtum. It doesn't even have to be memories or about your valley. Go see a really stupid movie. I remember when I was in seminary and working and serving as an intern at our church and Karen was bearing so much of the financial load. We were both just worn out, tired, pooped. We decided to go see Son In-Law. Now Son In-Law is not on the must see list, but in the middle of the movie we found ourselves laughing - not quietly, to ourselves, but OUT LOUD!! We were bustin' a gut!! We even bought the movie and everytime I watch that stupid movie I remember us laughing.

I don't know what makes you laugh and in the midst of the valley it could be almost anything. I encourage you to find it. . .be open to it. . .and when it happens let her rip!!

Smilin' Mike

Thursday, June 08, 2006

God and the WWE

Ok. . .so God and the WWE don't REALY have a lot in common - on the surface. But I was recently reminded of them both by a friend who is going their own valley. They reminded me of the point we all must come to in the valley - giving in or giving up.

I know from personal experience, many of you do too, that our valley experience often comes down to a wrestling match between me and God. . .you and God. For me it was a knock-down, no-holds-barred event. You could have sold tickets and made a million. Bring out the bright lights, the glam, the crowds, fill the arena, and "LET'S GET IT ON!!" Valley experiencers know what I'm talking about.

As I was also reminded it comes down to this - giving up v. giving in. Are you going to give up - walk away, turn your back on the One who loves you more than anyone, the One who has done more for you than you will ever know? Are you going to walk away from all God has done and wants to do in you and through you?

OR. . .are you going to run to the ring, taking everything with you - emotions, strongholds, beliefs, perspectives - and hit the mat with God? Are you going to do the most difficult thing in your life? The most painful experience you will ever go through - battling God and learning to give in - cry "Uncle?"

I have to be honest here, it would be so much easier just to turn it all over to Him up front, but it's so hard for me and for many valley experiencers I have encountered on my journey through the valley. Why do we hold on to things? Why do we grip so tightly? I think it's because sometimes, it's all we think we have and if we lose that, there's nothing left to hold on to. So. . .we come to the point of giving up or giving in.

I would much rather a valley experiencer learn to give in, than give up. When we wrestle with God, pull the ol' WWE, and learn to give in it sticks with us. It will always be with us. It is our experience with God. It's good to wrestle with God. May not be the easiest way, but it certainly serves as a great reminder of who wears the "BELT" and who doesn't.

I also think when we wrestle with God and learn to give in, it helps us "make the turn." There's just something about exiting the ring knowing you gave it all to Him, you didn't hold anything back. There's a renewal, a peace, a new perspective we gain. Now the journey, even if it gets worse by the world's standards, doesn't seem so deep . . .so hard. . .so lonesome. . .so long.

If you're struggling with you're journey. . don't give up. Take God out back and "GET IT ON!" Just remember, don't hold back. Cry, scream, kick, punch - just not walls or anything that's fairly solid, take it from one who knows - write, pray, walk, run - whatever you do, don't hold back. God is the "Champ" and can take anything you throw at him. He wants it. He wants you.

From one who knows,

God and BLING!

Couldn't help but think how much God likes His BLING when I read Exodus 25. READ IT!! Notice how much He likes fine wood, rare jewels, and gold. Holy cow, the gold!!! OK, so God's probably not walking around with a diamond encrusted spinning clock hanging around his neck, or a ring with "G-O-D" on it covering all four fingers on one of His hands. And I'll bet He doesn't have the latest 24s spinning on the royal chariot - as far as we know anyway.

I don't think He likes them so He can show them off. I think He likes them because of what they represent. Take the gold, for instance - it's cool and shiny and has a lot of WOW! factor, but it's also the purest metal we know of. I think the gold represents purity. What does that for me and you?

1) It represents God's purity. God, who is holy - pure, without blemish, is the kind of god I want. I don't want a god who can, for a minute, mess up. . .sin. . .well to be blunt, be like me. I want a god who is above that, above me - a god who stands so far above me that there is no chance He will ever mess up and come to my level. I want a god who is Holy - pure - like gold.

2) It also represents the purity of my heart when I meet Jesus and accept Him as my Lord & Savior. I can't come before a Holy - a pure, whithout blemish - God if I'm not made pure. . .made holy. So. . .through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ I am made pure. So pure, in fact, that I can not only come into Holy God's presence, but I am able to have a personal relationship with Him.

3) It also represents the purity of heart I should ("must" may be too strong a word - don't know) have when I come to worship Him, to hear from Him. The really cool thing is that I don't have to go to the tent of meeting to meet with God. I do get the honor of meeting together with other believers to worship my Lord, but I can also walk around my backyard, sit on my patio, hang in the living room, walk along the beach, drive my car or ride my Harley and still worship my King. Is that not the coolest thing? I can worship, praise, honor, and bring a "sacrifice" of praise before Him anytime and almost anyplace (I know for a fact that there are some places for me that wouldn't be conducive to personal worship, for me anyway).

It doesn't really matter where I worship God, what does matter is the purity of my heart when I come before Him.

So. . .I become God's BLING! through Christ Jesus and I get to praise Him with a BLING! of a heart. That is some kind of amazing, eh?

Hey Valley Experiencers!!! Don't get caught up in the depths of despair the valley can and does bring into our lives. YOU can be God's BLING! You can, and are, made pure through Jesus Christ. And guess what? He would rather show you off than any gold bracelet, sparkling rims, or flashy rings.

How cool is that?

Blinging for my Daddy!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Talk is Cheap!

Getting back to the Israelites, Moses, and God - this morning I was reading Exodus 24 and I noticed something. . .something I could relate to. In verse 3 it says,

3 When Moses went and told the people all the LORD's words and laws, they responded with one voice, "Everything the LORD has said we will do."

Then I thought, how easy it is to say, how difficult it is to put into practice. How much easier it is to declare, "I will obey," how much harder it is to actually obey God. Like the Israelites, I find myself proclaiming to God, "Sure, whatever you want God. You got me. Just send me. I'll go."

Yeah right!

As you read the 24th chapter you will find that this wasn't the Israelites only time to respond with these words. Soon afterwards they made this pronouncement they did it again (v. 7)! I've done the very same thing. Have you? I, like the Israelites, have said I would obey God's will and how I have decalred to the heavenly Father, "I will follow," not once, but on several occasions,

Now, I must say, I said those words with great intentions. Don't we all? I had every reason in the world to want, to desire, obedience to God's leadership in my life. Then how I fell. For one reason or another I tripped. . .I stumbled. . .I fell. I, as much as I wanted to do everything the Lord wanted me to do, didn't do it.

I've found that the valley is an easy place to cry out and have the truest desire to follow God, to be obedient to Him. But, I've also found that the valley is the easiest place to fall away, to stray from the Shepherd, to wander from the flock. Why? Great question. I think it's because when we are in the valley it is so easy to get caught up in our own little world, our circumstances, our emotions, our own form of justice and fairness. So, we go our own way, living out our own desires, wondering where everyone else is. And what do we find along the way? We find that talk is cheap, 'cause we're not willing to live it out.

Valley experiencers - be careful to want God's will. It's not a bad thing to desire God's will. In fact it's a great thing. But I feel I must warn you, it may not be what you want. It may lead you to places you don't want to go. It may require more of you than you are really willing to give. So if you really want God's leadership in your life, and trust me you do, then be willing to follow through. And, if for some reason you don't follow through, something happens - because we all know life happens, eh? - just reach up to God and allow His loving hands to pick you up and get back on track.

Flock - don't let valley experiencers walk away. Stay with them. Hang on to them. Hold them accountable. Love on them. They may not realize what you are doing now. To be honest, they may never accept it. But some will. Those who do receive you, may not even accept it then, but when they do, they will be eternally grateful you didn't let them wander off.

If you, like me, have declared your willingness to obey, but have tripped, stumbled, even fallen flat on your face - that's probably why I have a deviated septum (a.k.a - broken nose), it's OK. God still loves you more than that. Confess your disobedience. Confess that you placed your desire above His - making your will greater than His, placing you in His place. Confess your unwillingness to do what is hard, even if it's right. Then receive His forgiveness, His grace, His mercy and make the decision to really be obedient . . .to follow the Good Shepherd.

Trying to be a faithful walker rather than a big talker - those of you who know me - DON'T SAY A WORD - wipe that smirk off your face - quit laughing - OK, get off the floor and back in your chair - wipe your eyes - hey, your mascara is running - yeah you. . .


Monday, June 05, 2006

Stepping Back for a Moment

In the midst of all God has been teaching me and I have been sharing with you as we travel together with the Israelites, Moses, and God through the Exodus I must step back for a moment to share something I have experienced over the last 3 or 4 months. Maybe understanding where I am. . .the point I have come to in my valley experience will help you - valley experiencer and flock alike.

Allow me to preface my experience with a verse from Paul - a man who experienced incredible valleys in his own right. In his letter to the Philippian church Paul writes. . .

. . .for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (Phil 4:11-12)

I don't know if you got that or not. Read it again. . .again. . .and again. Did you notice it? Paul wrote that he learned to be content in any and every situation. It didn't matter what he experienced, what he went through, what happed to him, he learned to be content. Contentment doesn't come easy for us and I don't think it came easy for Paul easy, that's why he wrote that he learned to be content.

In my valley I have come to a point where I have learned to be content. I've always wondered what that would feel like and would I ever expereince it in my valley. Well. . .I have and I am. I don't now if I can put into words how it feels, but it's like I know everyhing is OK and everything will be OK. It's like finally feeling the hand of God when I couldn't feel anything for so long, but I knew it was there. I believed, I trusted, I kept moving forward - some days were great strides, other days were no more than baby steps. It's like an assurance that God is with me. It's also become something I recognize as experiential. In other words you know contentment by experience. There's no other way!

Maybe this helps explain why I write more than I used to. Maybe it helps explain why I am enjoying going home and just hanging out a lot more than I used to. Maybe it explains why my demeanor is more pleasant. . .more positive. Maybe it explains why I'm loving what I'm doing so much more. Maybe. . .it explains the peace I feel when I get up in the morning, while I'm going about my day, or heading home to the animals.

So how do you learn to be content? I think it comes when you truly, I mean truly surrender everything to God. It comes when, like Paul, you lay your life, your troubles, your worries, your circumstances, your heart down before the God who loves and cares for you more than anyone you will ever meet on this strange, strange planet.

Having trouble finding contentment? Let me encourage you - flock and valley experiencer, alike - find your life in Christ - not in your circumstances, not in your situation, not in your expectations, not in your way of thinking, not in the expectations, wishes, and dreams of others - ONLY in Christ. It will probably be the hardest lesson you will learn and definitely the most difficult to put into practice. But as sure as I know there is a God in heaven, I know that if you will come to the place in your journey where nothing and nobody else matters, nothing but the wonderful presence of God, you, too, will learn what it means to be content.

There will be a smile that comes from deep inside you that may have been missing for a while. There will be a peace that overcomes any circumstance. There will be laughter where there used to be pain. There will be passion where there used to be wishes and desires.

So. . .let met just say that contentment is real! It's there, waiting for you to experience it. . .to discover it.

I'm not sure how to wrap this up. I know I need to, but I could go on and on. So, let me just say this, "It's out there, but it's up to you and me to discover it. To discover it we have to lay everything at the feet of our Heavenly Father." So get to layin' it down. He's waiting.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

OK - It's About Worship. . .Again

It's about praising God!

In the valley there are times when you don't feel like praising God. I know there have been times when I certainly didn't feel like praising Him. As a matter of fact, I wanted to walk away. I was mad and wasn't in the greatest frame of mind to worship God. Now I look back and see the hand of God - how He provided for me, how He never stopped loving me, how He continued to share His love and His power with me.

In Exodus 18 we find Moses, Jethro (Moses' father-in-law, former boss, and Midianite Priest), and the Elders of Israel worshipping God. Verses 9-11 say,

9 Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good things the LORD had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians. 10 He said, "Praise be to the LORD, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh, and who rescued the people from the hand of the Egyptians. 11 Now I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly."

Then Jethro offers a burnt offering and other sacrifices to God, then they eat bread together in the presence of the Lord (v. 12)

Hhhmmmmm. . .have I stopped to worship my Lord? To offer sacrifices of praise? To gather with other beleivers to worship together out of what God has done - His provisions, His rescuing, His love for me. . .for you. . .for us?

Ooohhhh. . .how soon I forget to praise Jehovah Jireh - The God who Provides. How selfish of me to receive God's blessings and NOT bow down before Him and thank Him. It's so easy to focus on the valley. . .on my circumstances, isn't it? Valley experiencers step back from your situation, whatever it is and spend some God-focused time worshipping the One who loves you more than anyone you can imagine. Bow down, humble your heart, and stretch out your hands - open, palms up and receive His mercy, His grace, His love.

Don't go another day, or even another minute without spending some time praising the Lord of Creation. The Lord who saved you from eternal despair. The Lord who guides you even when you can't see where you are going. Like Jethro, offer a sacrifice. Don't know what to offer, how about YOU. Become a living sacrifice!!

Doing so will change your perspective and will change your heart. You can't afford not to praise Him, so take a moment, and even it's just a few words of praise - sing, mutter, cry out words of praise to your Father in Heaven. It helps. It always helps.

Yeah, He likes my singing :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I remember hosting the Side-By-Side Leadership Conference while I was serving at Carpenter's Way in Lufkin, Texas. It later worked its way into a potential ministry for Karen and me. It was based on Exodus 17:12-13.

12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

The idea is that in ministry we are to come alonside one another, as did Aaron and Hur, and help them; together we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.

I think it's the same way with the valley. I can't tell you how many times I've needed someone to hold up my arms. At times there were people to come alongside me - Stacey, Lynn, Steve, Jeff, Donya, Pam, and many, many more. I wonder if the flock thnks we need them only when it's really, really hard? It's not true. There were time they held my arms by listening, hugging, mowing my yard, planting flowers, cleaning my house, donating a vehicle, paying golf with me and best of all making me laugh! Valley experiencers don't always need someone when things are hard. They just need someone to come alonside them and hold their arms.

Flock, look around. There are sheep who need their arms held up. You don't have to do a lot. Just hold up an arm. That's all Aaron and Hur did and look what happened to the Israelites. You want to change lives? You want to have an impact on the world around you? Lift up someone's arms. It's not hard, but it does take time and effort. Allow me to share with you from someone's who's arms have been lifted up more times than he would like to know. Please know it helps. It works.

Soooo. . .go find a valley experiencer and do some arm lifting and watch what God does.
