Good Spots
Recently God convicted me of my quiet time - it had gotten to the point that it wasn't the quality of time God deserved. You see, for years I got up in time to get a shower, take care of the zoo, get dressed and head off to the office where I would hang out with God for a while. My office. . .it was always my sanctuary. I don't know why, except it seemed I could shut the world out and focus on spending time with God. Recently it had lost it's "sanctuary" rating. I found myself in a rut. Know what a rut is? It's a grave with both ends kicked out. So my quiet time with God was dead and going no where. I had to do something different. If my time with God was to be meaningful I had to change something.
So what changed? Glad you asked. I changed my time and place.
I get up around 6:00 am now, whether I like it or not. I feed the cats, get the dogs their Scooby snack, and grab some Starbucks as I head to one of two spots.
The first the back patio, if it's cooler. I like going outside. I get to pet the dogs and watch the cats play as well as feel the cool breezes that blow through my back yard.

The second is the purple chair. It's really cool. It's a double chair that wraps around you when you sit in it. The cushions and arms are filled with down. So when I sit in it, it sucks me in and wraps around me.

Either place allows me to feel the cool breezes, hear the low, soft clanging sound of the chimes. Listen to the birds chirping and playing in the trees around the house. I get to hear and see Gods creation doing what it was designed to do . . .live.
I read and spend time writing and praying. This time alows me to do that. These spots have provided a new enthusiasm and re-fueled my time with God. It's like I can't wait to get there. They are special spots. Spots that have meaning only to me. . .no one else.
Where is your spot? In the car on the way to work? At the kitchen table? In your bed?
Do you have a special spot where you meet with God on a regular basis? Has your quiet time found itself in a rut - remember the definition of a rut? Hmm. . .hmmm??
I want to encourage you to find that spot. The spot where you meet with God. The spot where you can hear God. The spot that fuels your passion for Him.
If you're in the valley, this is of utmost importance. It's hard to find your way out of the valley without it. So get to tryin', look around, find that SPOT!!!
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