I don't know about you, but I love it when someone encourages me. It makes me feel good. . .valued. Since sharing my story and the lessons from the valley Sunday night I have received words of encouragement - written, spoken, even through hugs (I like hugs :) ).
Flock - pay special attention to this. One of the opportunities we have as the flock is to encourage those going through various valleys. In short - it's the church being the church. Paul instructs us to "carry each other's burdens." The picture here is like a fellow athlete who comes alongside an injured player and gets underneath him and helps him off the field. You know what I'm talking about. You've probably seen it many times. Is that not a great picture of helping each other with their burdens. . .the weight of their valley?
I have been quite blessed this past year to have so many people in my life who, at different times and in as many ways, came alongside me and got under my burden with me. I can't tell you how good it feels to have someone do that for you.
So, church. . .lets BE the church! Encourage someone today. It only takes a moment, a card or note or email, a word, a hug, a mowed yard, some flowers, a meal . . .I think you get the picture.
Encouraged beyond belief,
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