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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Monday, July 31, 2006

No one else is like you. . .

Sometimes I get to ranting and raving about the church and stuff and I forget that above all the fighting, above all the rules, rituals, and regulations there is a God is great, whose name is mighty in power, who deserves our reverence, and is wiser than all the MENSA-rated geniuses put together.

Even when I pray, I sometimes forget to tell God. . .to adore Him for who He is!! And I don't think He gets tired of hearing it, either. Not because He needs to hear it, but because when we declare who He is, it helps us realize who we are in light of who He is. It places my/our relationship with God in proper alignment.

Now, I must remember that when I declare God's greatness or His majesty or any of His magnificent qualities, it must be done with a sincere heart, not like the superficial praise we give superstars, athletes, rock stars, or actors/actresses. Our adoration of the Father must be an overflow, an acknowlegement of our time with Him. How else will I. . .we. . .know of His nature?

So. . .who is God to you? Mighty - Powerful - Faithful - Loving - Gracious - Ever Present Help - Father - Lord - Healer - Banner - Provider - . . .?

Take time today, even now, to adore the One who loved you even when you were wallowing in your sin. The One who loved you first. The One who loved you enough to send His one and only Son to die for you.

Will you tell Him?

You know. . .if you're in a valley time of your life right now, it may seem difficult to praise God. Boy, can I relate. There are days, even weeks, that you don't want to sing the praises of Almighty God. I can only say that the longer you go without praising your Father, the more difficult it will become to do so later. Don't wait. Even if it's hard. Count it a blessing to experience Him in a new way; to know Him on a deeper level. . .even when you don't feel like it.

Remember, He's always there, waiting for you. . .for me.


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Junk in Our Trunk - Part 3

This will probably be my last installment of the Junk in Our Trunk thought - I think (that just means I reserve the to add something I forgot or something else I learned and thought needed to be added).

This post is a struggle for me in a way. I believe God, in His soveriegnty, can decide to use anyone He chooses to expand His Kingdom on earth. But I am also well aware of certain boundaries and cautions that need to be explored before fully accepting or placing someone in a place of leadership. I think Godly wisdom and council should prevail, though I struggle with where do we place the boundaries. Here are some guidelines I have considered:
  1. First and foremost, is it biblical?
  2. Is placing a person in place of ministry contributing to their struggle? I wouldn't put someone with a history of child abuse serving with children
  3. Does it create a security risk for the families of the church? - See #1
  4. Is the standard a matter of redemption or rule made by the church?
  5. Would it harm the church - the bride of Christ?
So with this in mind I continue.

As I read through the Bible and look at the lives of the people God used for His purposes, I see imperfect people, some with a "past".

Let's look at a few:
  • Abraham was a liar and slept with his wife's servant
  • Moses killed a man
  • Rahab was a prostitute God used to hide the spies in the defeat of Jericho
  • Jacob was a con-man
  • David was a murderer and adulterer
  • Paul was guilty of harassing Christians and stood by and watched as Steven was stoned
  • Matthew, as a Roman IRS agent, was despised by his own people and yet was put on Jesus' leadership team
These are just a few of the many people with a "past" God has used throughout history for His purposes. . .to expand His Kingdom here on earth.

Isn't amazing how we think someone's past or experiences or family history or almost anything we can find can keep them from being servants of God, even leaders. I find it dumb-founding that we can tell someone they can't be used by God because of a mistake they made along the way.

Shhhh. . .(in a soft whisper) Listen - Do we need to tell God? I don't think He knows He's not supposed to be using these kinds of people.

Am I glad someone didn't tell a guy like John Baker, a former alcoholic. If they had Celebrate Recovery Ministry may have never been born.

I'm glad no one never told a guy named Dee Brown, who God rescued from a biker lifestyle only to send him back in to minister to and share the gospel with these same guys. I know there's some junk in this man's trunk.

There may be someone in your life you're glad no one ever told they couldn't be used by God because of the junk in their trunk.

You know, it's funny how soon we often forget about our own junk in our trunks. Here's a list of junk, see if any might be found in your trunk:
  • Anger management issues
  • Adultery
  • Lust
  • Pornography
  • Lying
  • Exagerating the truth
  • Pride
  • Addictive behavior - you name it (alcohol, drugs, food, bad relationships, etc.)
  • Gossipping
  • Manipulation
  • Divorce
  • Co-dependency
  • Approval issues
  • Stealing
  • Control Issues
And the list goes on. Find any in the list that someone may find in your trunk?

You know what's funny? You dragging it around like no one sees it. You know what's even sadder? You're pointing everyone else's out while you're dragging yours around like no one can see it.

God still uses who He chooses. Maybe we should get better at addressing our own junk, before we are so quick to point out someone else's junk. Jesus said something like this as well.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Matthew 7:1-5

I think we could replace speck with junk and replace eye with trunk and we would come up with same thing. Think?

Here's another thought. M-a-y-b-e-e-e-e. . .we should stop putting up man-made rules, rituals, and regulations and just accept the fact that we all have some junk in our trunk, pray for one another, extend grace to one another, and live life for God. Hmmmm. . .

Hey - do these jeans make my trunk look big?

Junk in Our Trunk - Part 2

Well, here's the second installment of Junk in Our Trunk.

God gave me a message several months back. I wrote it down in my journal and haven't shared it with many people. . .until now. I'm still hesitant, but in lieu of the burden God has placed upon my heart for His church and how it/we treat people in the church and outside of it I think it may be time.

There's a story in the New Testament (John 8:1-11) where Jesus was teaching one day in the local synagogue (our church today) and in the middle of his lesson a woman who had been caught in an adulterous relationsip was brought to him by the church leaders (funny how they didn't bring the man, eh?). They asked Jesus what they should do with her since the Law of Moses said that they should stone her. After some time and further questioning by the church leadership, Jesus finally addressed them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." He let that sink in. Then those gathered left - the older men first.

Soon there was no one there except the woman and Jesus. He stands up from his scribbling in the ground and asks where her accusers are? Where are those who condemned her? She replies that they aren't there. Jesus final words are most incredible. He tells her, "
Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin."

Here's what it comes down to:

If Jesus would have been about the letter of the law, then when He was asked His response to the Law of Moses He would have replied, "If you got 'em throw 'em." But He wasn't about the letter of the law, He was about the Spirit of the Law which was redemption. His sole intent was to redeem this woman.

Be sure of this, Jesus DID NOT condone her lifestyle. Rather, He told her to stop sinning. . .to stop doing what she was doing. But He was not there to condemn her, but to redeem her.

Hey flock - Let's take a page out of Jesus' book and stop living by and applying the letter of the law to everyone else's life. How about a little redemption action here? How about putting down your rocks long enough the hug someone and let them know they matter to Christ and to us as well? Ever wonder what would happen if we stopped pointing fingers at each other and started loving each other - I mean loving each other like Christ loves us? Wooooweeee, would the church look different.

What if we forgave people, instead of pointing out the junk in their life? What if we walked through the junk with them and helped them overcome the junk, rather than adding more labels and more junk to their trunk?

What if someone did that for you?


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Junk in Our Trunk - Part 1

As some of you know, I love to read good books. If they don't keep my attention, then I usually don't finish them. Me and my A.D.D. :)

I recently finished a book by John Ortberg entitled God is Closer than You Think. It's very good. Check it out. I'm now reading another of John's books called Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them. In it he discusses our need for true community. I've just begun, so I'm not too far into it.

Though I've just started, something he writes about in the first chapter really rang a bell within me. And in light of my post yesterday [click here], it really supports my heart for the church to get real and get honest.

In the first chapter he refers to Isaiah 53:6 - We all, like sheep, have gone astray. . .

Know what this means? It reminds us, or at least me anyway, that we ALL have messed up. We've lied, we've gossipped and forwarded rumors like a hot email message, we've been disobedient, and can you believe this - we've all made wrong choices at some point in our lives. The list goes on, but you get the point. Want to know what we do with our junk - we tuck it away in our trunks, thinking no one can see it and walk around, dragging all this junk with us, pointing out everyone else's junk. It means that we often think better of ourselves by pointing out everyone else's junk and holding it against them - family, friends, former friends, neighbors, co-workers, ministers, etc. HOW DARE US!! Who do we think we are? When in fact, we all have fallen short of God's standard (Romans 3:23) and all need God's grace.

I often wonder why more people don't come to our churches? I think I have found the answer - we don't like, or better yet, love each other, how in the world will we love those outside the church?


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

God's Grace. . .Where's Ours?

" 'Return, faithless Israel,' declares the LORD,
'I will frown on you no longer,
for I am merciful,' declares the LORD,
'I will not be angry forever.' " - Jeremiah 3:11

As I read Jeremiah 3 this morning this verse jumped out at me. It seems that God has been challenging me about the state of the church's heart. As I read this I kept thinking how unmerciful and how ungracious we can be to each other. I know it's part of our DNA - our flesh - and I know how often I give into my flesh, but come on!! When does it change? Isn't it supposed to change when we become a child of God?

It appears God is way more merciful that we are - yes, I know He's God and we're not. Earlier in chapter 3 God called Judah a prostitute for taking their worship and needs to foreign gods, and yet, it's God who declares, "I will frown on you no longer, for I am merciful." He is going the take them back, no longer be angry with them, not hold it against them, and extend grace to them. They may not deserve it, but inspite of everything they've done to God, He decides to take them back them anyway.

Why can't we do that to one another? Why can't we forget the past? Why do we allow petty issues or disputes to come between us? Why are we not extenders of grace? If we are to be reflections of God's presence, then why are we not reflections of God's grace and mercy? Why do we ostrecize people who don't agree with us and treat them like outcasts? Why do we judge and condemn them just because they are different or their convictions are different?

Why, O God, do we think more highly of ourselves? Where is your presence among your people, my Lord? Why do we judge and condemn when your Word clearly states were are not to judge one another (James 4:11-12)?

If there is one thing I think is keeping God's church from being the church He envisioned is the hardness of our hearts toward each other and outsiders - or those not like us.

Father, come and call us back to our first love - you and you alone! Soften hardened hearts. My your love and grace abound among your people. May we be conductors of your mercy toward each other.

May I be an extender of your grace, love, and mercy toward those you place in my path.

Hey flock - for once, let's love each other instead of beating each other up and hurting one another. For Jesus, himself, said that the world will know that we are His followers by our love for each other (John 13:35).


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Son of Who?

I was reading Jeremiah 1-2 this morning and as I began to read I kept coming back to verse 1

The words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests at Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin.

Now there's no great theological issue here, but I kept thinking, "I wonder why we don't present ourselves like this?" Like, "Hi! I'm Mike, son of Wayne of Waxahachie in the country (oops) region of Texas, keeper of the golden chariots of children." I dont' know why we don't. We just don't. Maybe it's because it's too difficult and clumsy. Maybe it's too time consuming. For some it may be too painful. For some, they may just not feel like it. And for others, they just may not want to be associated with their father - their earthly fathers.

But what about our heavenly Father? Why don't I indtroduce myself as Mike, son of God? Am I ashamed of the fact that I am a child of God? Am I afraid it will turn people away from God - like it's too "in your face"? Could be.

Regardless of how we introduce ourselves, the real question is, How do we live our lives? Are we proud of being children of God? I love being my dad's son. . .my mother's son. I brag about it. But do I brag about being God's son? Do I live my life like a child of the King? Oh. . .that makes me a prince, by the way. It also makes me an inheritor, an heir, a co-heir with Christ! Is that not the coolest thing?!

Hey valley experiencers - if you're a believer - one who has prayed and accepted God's forgiveness and made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life - then YOU are a child of God! I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but you are. The question is, Are you living like it?

I want to encourage you, the next time Satan wants to throw down on you and drag you through some kind of mental, emotional, or spiritual backwash of life, stand up to him and remind him that YOU are a child of God. You are a prince or princess of the King and you will not be treated this way!!

Take some authority. As a matter of fact - right now, whether out loud or in your heart - claim your birthright. Let Satan know that you know you are a son or daughter of the victorious God.

Oooooo. . .now doesn't that feel better? How cool is that?

Would you hand me my robe?
Prince Mike

Monday, July 24, 2006

5,000 Mark

I just realized this afternoon I hit the 5,000 mark on my sitemeter! I don't know if that's a big deal or not, but I'm pretty pumped.

Thank you to all of you who read and comment or email me. You have been an encouragement to me over the last year or so.

May God truly bless you.


The Battle Rages On

OK. . .I'm back from student camp. It was a great experience and fun time with old friends.

[Read more about it here]

I don't know about you, but the one thing I don't like about going on a trip is coming home. Don't get me wrong, I love coming home - seeing the animals and sleeping in my own bed - YEA!! What I don't like is coming back to the office. Even though I have a great Assistant - thank you Lord for Suzanne - I am almost always overwhelmed by the catching up I have to do.

I also don't like coming home from such an incredible experience as student camp because I am usually worn out - spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And that's when it, or better, he cold-cocks me. Satan jumps on me and works me over something awful. It happened again this weekend. By the time I got home he was attacking me. My mind and emotions were bouncing around like a pinball being worked over by the pinball wizard (The Who - memories for some, no clue for others).

I couldn't focus when I prayed. My mind wonders aimlessly - of course some of you are saying that's normal, I understand - but it wonders more than usual. I really feel like there is this huge battle raging inside of me. I was reminded of this battle this morning. I read Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Then I remembered my declaration - I will not run, I will fight! God has given me prayer, power, His word, koinonia (Christ-centered fellowship), and truth (sound teaching and doctrine) as weapons against the enemy. This morning I began praying and claiming His word. I am a child of the King and if a child of the King, I have victory. I will live in victory, rather than in the muck and the mire of defeat - that's where the spiritual forces of evil want me - AND YOU!

If you are a valley experiencer and you're feeling defeated or beat up by the enemy - STOP LIVING IN DEFEAT! ATTACK!! Live the life of victory. It's not easy, but that's where we belong. Use the weapons our God has given us and stand tall. Throw your shoulders back and your chest out - I should've been a drill sergeant, eh?

Flock - do you know someone who is getting hammered by the enemy? Stand beside them and fight for them. They need you NOW, not later. Stop and pray for them. Claim God's Word over them. Ask the Holy Spirit to minister and strengthen them. You know what to do - DO IT!

So let's unite against the forces of evil and claim the victory that is ours in Christ Jesus!

Left, right, left, right. . .

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Blogging Hiatus

Beginning tommorrow (Sunday, 7/16/06) or maybe Monday, I will be taking a blogging haitus. I will be in Wichita Falls, Texas teaching a class for a student camp at Camp Chaparral.

I'm pumped - love haning with students and the opportunity to help them on their journey to Christ-likeness.

I leave at 11:30 on Monday - arrive in Dallas at 1:09 (I think that's right, it's 1:something). A two hour drive to Wichita Falls were I get to spend a week with two of my favorite people - Steve and Pam Sparks. Oh yeah, I do get to teach students.

It will be a mini-reunion of sorts for Steve, Pam & me. The last time I saw them was the morning I left Lufkin to drive to Saraland to become a permanent resident. I spent the night at their place, then left the next day to head to Alabama. That's been about a year ago.

I guess what makes it so special for me was the role Steve & Pam played in our lives while we were in Lufkin. The truly exhibit servant leadership. Steve and I served together at Carpenter's Way - what a 5-year journey it was. I was glad to have someone like Steve to teach me and show me the ropes of minsitry during that time. He was always humble, loved serving people, and loved to laugh.

Pam was always there for Karen and me while Karen was sick. She, along with others, would spend the night with Karen while she was in the hospital and once she got home, giving me a chance to sleep in my own bed and get a decent night's rest. Pam was there during Karen's last night. She stayed up all night with her working with hospice to get Karen's pain under control. What a trooper she was, and is.

This will be a special time, for me anyway.

So. . .I beg your forgiveness and understanding while I'm out if I don't get a chance to post something while I'm away .

Thanks for understanding,

PS - I may get to post, so keep checking back.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Trials and Trustworthiness

I apologize to those who have been reading along with me through the Adventures of the Apostles (the book of Acts), but I read ahead today and finished it (Acts 21-28). It is facinating to me to read the stories of men and women in the Bible who were faithful to their calling even to the end. I just couldn't stop reading. Besides I was up a little earlier than usual and found myself with a little extra time.

Sooo. . .

I was amazed at Paul and how sensitive he was to God even in the midst of his own valley. We find him on his way back to Jerusalem - despite repeated warnings that bad things were going to happen to him. When he arrives he is falsely accused of inciting riots, blah, blah, blah - all the same stuff he has been accused of before. But this time he finds himself arrested by the Roman army and imprisoned for his own protection. He then goes from one Roman leader to the next, each time to a higher level of authority. Eventually he is shipped off to Rome for an audience with the Emporer. On his way they are shipwrecked. Finally, he and those with him arrive at Rome.

In all this, he remains faithful to his calling - presenting the gospel whenever he has opportunity. He also continues to hear from God. When they are traveling across the sea and encounter bad weather, Pual shares with those on board that and angel of God stood beside him and told him that whoever remains with the boat will be safe.

Even in Rome Paul takes opportunity to share the gospel -

For the next two years, Paul lived in his own rented house. He welcomed all who visited him, proclaiming the Kingdom of God with all boldness and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one tried to stop him. (Acts 28:30-31)

So you valley experiencers - take a note from Paul's life
  1. Remain obedient
  2. Remain faithful to your calling
  3. Don't give up on God, He hasn't given up on you
  4. Listen for God - He shows up in the strangest of times (so we think)
  5. Continue to minister to others as needs arise - including sharing the gospel by telling your story with God to others
  6. Don't worry, be happy ( oh wait. . .that's a song. . .never mind)
And the God who watches over you will be there with you always. Annndd. . .your valley won't seem so deep and long.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Heavy Burden

This morning during my time with God I was overwhelmed by an intensly heavy burden. My heart is heavy and I still don't have a peace about it. God shared with me a church who needs our prayers. A friend of mine serves there and for the sake of the church and leadership I am hesitant to say who it is. No, it's not FBNM. So I could better understand what's going on there, God gave me a visual for this church (He does that probably because I'm better at understanding pictures than words) - the picture is a tornado encompassing this church. While it may be calm in the center, the outer edges are wreaking havoc on this church.

Instead of trying to figure out whom I'm referring to, I would rather you simply join me in praying for this gathering of believers. I don't know why God laid this church on my heart, it may just be to pray fo them. . .to fight for them. . .to attack Satan for them.

Join with me today, will you? God knows your heart and He knows the burden He has placed on me. So your praying won't catch Him by surprise. In Acts 12:5 it tells of the church earnestly praying for Peter while he was in bondage/prison. We, the church - the flock, can earnestly pray for these believers and the bondage they are currently experiencing and ask for God's release.

Pray for any demonic presence to be released and cast away.

Pray the leaders receive wisdom and discernment.

Pray that anyone, inlcuding leaders, who are keeping the church from experience the fullness of God and distracting it from its God-given mission will be removed.

Pray for God's calming presence to overtake the heart of the members and leaders.

Pray as God leads you to pray.

Thank you for taking up the sword with me and taking the fight to Satan.

To God be the glory,

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Strange gods

Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is to get started. Whether it's teaching, preaching, writing, or blogging. I'm not the most creative person in the world - that was Karen's gift - so when something does hit me I know for sure it's God.

This morning, I'm not so creative, so I'm just going to jump right in with both feet.

So I'm reading Acts 17 this morning and kind of thinking this is just like the stuff in Acts 14. Paul and his compadres are preaching the gospel, ticked off some of the local church leaders (yeah it happened then too), escaped a lynch mob, went to the next town over and lo and behold guess who shows up. Yep! The guys from the last town, stirring people up against Paul and again he makes like a baby and leaves (yeah I know).

Paul finds himself in Athens. A place where there are so many gods and altars to gods. They even have an altar to an unknown god. Here's what I think is so funny. With so many gods you would need a program to tell one from another isn't it kind of ironic, or at least a little funny, that the Athenians would say something like, "He's pushing some kind of foreign gods." I don't know about you, but I thought it was funny. Think about it for a second, how would they know what was foreign and what wasn't? Anyway. . .remember, I'm a little strange and find things like this somewhat humorous.

On a more serious note, the passage says that Paul was distressed, deeply troubled, at the number of gods he encountered. One version writes that Paul was angry at all the idol worship that was going on. If Paul were to take a walk around your community. . .your life. . . would he be upset at the gods he would find. He would in mine, that's for sure. I would definitely be a disappointment. Let me ask another question, are you distressed at the gods in your community? Your life? If not, why not? If so, what are you going to do about it?

Paul took action. He went and met with them and told them about the One, True God. What about you? Want to see your life and the church become what God has always intended it to be? If so, ask God to help you develop a holy anger for idols and gods in your life and in your community. Then do something about it.

In your life - repent (turn from the gods in your life) and confess - if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9), become more disciplined - for you do not have the spirit of timidity, but the spirit of power and love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

In your community - pray for God's transforming power to overwhelm your community, live your life in such a way that others will know you're different - and they will know you are Christ-followers if you love one another (John 13:35).

These are starters, but it really begins when we develop a burden for our community and those whom God places in our lives. I'm still learning. Won't you learn with me?


Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm just a little tired

Ohhhhh. . .it's definitely a Monday. I was going to post something then, what's left of my brain cells went back to sleep. Ever have those days?

This morning I'm tired. I would really, REALLY like to go back home and back to bed. But the day is ahead of me and I have a lot to do and to get ready for this week.

I guess, in some small way, this is my little valley today. When I'm tired I don't think well and Mondays are my thinking, getting ready day. I really can't afford to be so tired. So I will rely on the Lord to get me through, remembering Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

So, in my weakness of being tired and my tail dragging I will praise the Lord for His power.

Have a great Monday! :)


Saturday, July 08, 2006

What the. . .?

Please read the previous post first [click here to read it]

So by now you're wondering what in the bejeebers is going on? Don't blame you one bit. I kinda thought the same thing last night. Allow me to interject.

Last night I found myself at the church sitting on a curb under the portico in front of our nursery entrance with a cup of Gazebo blend from Starbucks, pouring my heart out to God. I have never wept so bitterly at the state of the church. Denominations deteriorating. Churches chasing after everything but Jesus. Leaders loosing their heart and passion for their calling. Families in disarray. Men running away from their responsibilities as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders. Children being treated like chattle. Ministries splitting because of petty disputes. And, in case you haven't noticed, it's all taking place inside our "happy" little churches.

God so burdened me last night that I couldn't even get off the curb. I just sat there and through tears and snot poured my heart out to God. I couldn't believe what we call church was what He ever envisioned. I begged God to change His church. I pleaded with Him to call us back to our first love. I cried out to Him requesting He send His transformational power on HIS church. I asked God to remove our masks.

Rarely have I felt the kind of anguish I experienced last night. This was new for me. It was concerning and troubling.

As I prayed I found myself pouring my heart out before Him, spending time in confession and repentence. I am so confident. . .no arrogant and prideful and I do it my way; hiding behind a mask of insecurities. I am so ashamed to be called a pastor. I turned it all over to God. You may not realize it, but in the last year God has removed me from everything that is dear to me - my wife (she passed away last May), family, friends, co-laborers. All I have left to offer God is me. . .my heart. So I gave it to Him. I tearfully handed over my heart to God. I released the death grip I had allowing it to slip through my fingers into His loving and powerful hands.

In the midst of the tears and snot bubbles I became angry - not at God, but at the church for allowing Satan to have a foothold in its presence, structure, beliefs, mission, etc. I didn't know why until I read Acts 14:19 and realized Satan doesn't just go away. He always comes back for more.

So here I sit in my house contemplating last night's events. Still angry, but now at Satan. And as I said in my previous post, I'm not taking it anymore.

How about you? How about your church? Your denomination? Your ministry? Your heart?



I must predicate this post with this note: Read this in an angry, frustrated tone

This morning I was reading Acts 14. While I was reading my eyes ran across verse 19,

Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.

When I read that verse God reminded me that just because we change our environment doesn't mean Satan will leave us alone. Just because we change churches, or cities, or friends, or _______________ (you fill in the blank in your life) doesn't promise safety from the evil one. He will keep attacking. He will continue to bear down on us. Just as he did to Paul, he will do to you.

Even our churches aren't safe. We come in on Sunday all smiley, glad-handin', huggin', servin', preachin', teachin' and we think somehow the enemy is safe outside while we're safe inside. NOT SO!!! He sneaks in through well-intentioned people, he hides behind the rules, regulations, and rituals. He ambushes us through our finances, buildings, creeds, or whatever we cherish at our churches. The sooner we get this the sooner we will be ready to take the fight to Satan.

That's what Paul did. When these men followed he and Barnabas form Antioch and Iconium riled up the people so much so that they stoned Paul and left him for dead, Paul got up and went right back into the city! He wasn't just going to lie there and die. He got up and he took the fight to Satan. He went right back in the ring. Talk about guts! Talk about hang-me-downies!! This guy had 'em.

(Side note - don't know what women have to describe gumption - courage, initiative - sorry ladies)

Karen had them. She wasn't going to allow Satan to steal her joy - to rob her of victory. She took the fight to Satan. She wasn't going to just lay there and die! She fought - she fought to the very end for her Lord. She had guts.

Maybe I need some guts. Maybe I need some hang-me-downies. I need something so I will stop running scared and whooped and attack Satan. Maybe the church needs leaders who are tired of running. Maybe the church needs members who are tired of running. Maybe we need to take the fight to Satan - FINALLY!

Oh, by the way - WE HAVE VICTORY!! We have power in Christ Jesus to defeat the enemy. We have everytihg it takes to break out a 55 gallon drum of whoop on Satan. What are we waiting for!? What are you waiting for? What am I waiting for?

Today, this is my declaration

I will stop running and start fighting!

His Word
Sound Teaching & Doctrine

These shall be my weapons

Will I be scared? You can bet your bottom dollar on it. But I will pray for boldness as they did in Acts 4. I will also pray for comrades who are also tired of running. Comrades who will also stop running and take up the cause of Christ with me; who will attack instead of escaping and hiding. Comrades who will stand side-by-side, back-to-back with me against the most powerful enemy the church has ever encountered - Satan, himself.

Will you join me? Will you be one of those comrades? Will you stop lying there, get up and take the fight to Satan?

I'm not ready to roll over and die!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Glad to Hear. . .

I'm back! My dad and his wife, Jane, have been here all week. It's been a good week - busy - but good. Did lots of good eatin', shoppin', and even spent one day riding motorcycles with Dad (read about it here). With all the goin's on in Saraland I just haven't had the time to post anything.

But. . .I'm back, so here it goes!

Are you ever glad to hear from someone? Are there people in your life you love to talk to and hear about their life? Is there someone who, either through email or phone or even in person (yeah, think about, some people still talk face-to-face, go figure - like they don't have anything better to do), you can't wait to hear from? Someone to share your day with? Someone to laugh with? Someone to cry with? Someone to hear you out and help you walk through the valleys in your life?

I do - did, actually. Karen was that for me. She was my confidant . . .my advisor. . .my ultimate accountability partner. . .my counselor. . .my friend. In her absence God has given me some others to talk to:
  1. My best friend, Stacey, who makes me laugh, encourages me, and dreams with me - we can really talk about guy stuff, stupid stuff, and God stuff
  2. My friend Lynn - she's like a big sister/mother figure to me. She makes sure I'm alright and checks up on me from time to time, she's also good with advice
  3. My friends Vince & Debbie - Vince used to be my accountability partner and Debbie was one of Karen's closest friends, they know me, aren't impressed by me, but respect me and what I do. They also ask the hard questions and I know, without any doubt, they and their children pray for me
Who do hear from? Who, in your life in the midst of the valley, do you or can you call?

I also have someone else. Someone who's always there. Someone who's greater than anyone I can talk to. Someone who knows me better than anyone I know. Someone who's always glad I called. Wanna guess? If you said God, you were right.

This morning I was reading Acts 13 - an incredible passage in it's own right: Apostles praying and fasting, the setting aside of Paul and Barnabas for the first mission trip, preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. In the midst of this passage I ran across a couple of verses that really spoke to me -

47For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
" 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles,
that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"

48When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

In case you missed it, verse 48 says that the Gentiles were GLAD and HONORED the word of the Lord. Ok, glad kind of speaks for itself, but the word honored translates to glorify and give praise to. So, not only were these Gentiles, these God-fearing non-Jews glad for the opportunity to have a relationship with God they praised and glorified the word of the Lord. I can just see them know - dancing, singing, praising - can you see them?

If not, it may be that you're not glad . . . you're not praising the word of God. When was the last time you spent some meaningful, intentional, un-interrupted time with God? When was the last time you looked forward to hanging out with God - talking to Him, sharing with Him, listening to Him, laughing with Him, even dancing before Him (for us Baptist this can be fun, but scary :) )? Even if it's been a while you can still get back to that point.

If you've never spent time with Him, it may be because you like the Gentiles before Paul and Barnabas never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love God has for you. If this is you, click here learn how you CAN have a personal relationship with the God of this universe. (If you become a Jesus-follower email me so I can rejoice before the Lord and pray for you.)

If you've established a relationship with the Father, then step back away from the screen, close your eyes (move your lips if you're at work . . . don't want someone, especially the boss, the think you're sleeping on the job) and ask God to meet you there, or tell Him how you feel right now, or something you're struggling with, or ask for an answer or encouragement, or wisdom, or focus, or whatever you need right now. Then just sit for a moment - it may feel like a lifetime, but it will only be for a few seconds, trust me. Allow His presence to put a smile on your face. Then thank Him. If you can't dance where you are, dance in your heart!! Later today, maybe tonight before you go to bed, and in the morning, do it again. Before you know it you will be looking forward to spending time with your Heavenly Healer, praising Him, glorifying Him, hootin'-n-hollerin' before Him (oops, my Texan slipped out).

I'm glad and I honor God's word. . .not always, but a lot of the time. It makes a difference.

Glad for God's Word,