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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Talk is Cheap!

Getting back to the Israelites, Moses, and God - this morning I was reading Exodus 24 and I noticed something. . .something I could relate to. In verse 3 it says,

3 When Moses went and told the people all the LORD's words and laws, they responded with one voice, "Everything the LORD has said we will do."

Then I thought, how easy it is to say, how difficult it is to put into practice. How much easier it is to declare, "I will obey," how much harder it is to actually obey God. Like the Israelites, I find myself proclaiming to God, "Sure, whatever you want God. You got me. Just send me. I'll go."

Yeah right!

As you read the 24th chapter you will find that this wasn't the Israelites only time to respond with these words. Soon afterwards they made this pronouncement they did it again (v. 7)! I've done the very same thing. Have you? I, like the Israelites, have said I would obey God's will and how I have decalred to the heavenly Father, "I will follow," not once, but on several occasions,

Now, I must say, I said those words with great intentions. Don't we all? I had every reason in the world to want, to desire, obedience to God's leadership in my life. Then how I fell. For one reason or another I tripped. . .I stumbled. . .I fell. I, as much as I wanted to do everything the Lord wanted me to do, didn't do it.

I've found that the valley is an easy place to cry out and have the truest desire to follow God, to be obedient to Him. But, I've also found that the valley is the easiest place to fall away, to stray from the Shepherd, to wander from the flock. Why? Great question. I think it's because when we are in the valley it is so easy to get caught up in our own little world, our circumstances, our emotions, our own form of justice and fairness. So, we go our own way, living out our own desires, wondering where everyone else is. And what do we find along the way? We find that talk is cheap, 'cause we're not willing to live it out.

Valley experiencers - be careful to want God's will. It's not a bad thing to desire God's will. In fact it's a great thing. But I feel I must warn you, it may not be what you want. It may lead you to places you don't want to go. It may require more of you than you are really willing to give. So if you really want God's leadership in your life, and trust me you do, then be willing to follow through. And, if for some reason you don't follow through, something happens - because we all know life happens, eh? - just reach up to God and allow His loving hands to pick you up and get back on track.

Flock - don't let valley experiencers walk away. Stay with them. Hang on to them. Hold them accountable. Love on them. They may not realize what you are doing now. To be honest, they may never accept it. But some will. Those who do receive you, may not even accept it then, but when they do, they will be eternally grateful you didn't let them wander off.

If you, like me, have declared your willingness to obey, but have tripped, stumbled, even fallen flat on your face - that's probably why I have a deviated septum (a.k.a - broken nose), it's OK. God still loves you more than that. Confess your disobedience. Confess that you placed your desire above His - making your will greater than His, placing you in His place. Confess your unwillingness to do what is hard, even if it's right. Then receive His forgiveness, His grace, His mercy and make the decision to really be obedient . . .to follow the Good Shepherd.

Trying to be a faithful walker rather than a big talker - those of you who know me - DON'T SAY A WORD - wipe that smirk off your face - quit laughing - OK, get off the floor and back in your chair - wipe your eyes - hey, your mascara is running - yeah you. . .



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