Be Honest
I'm just a little tired this morning. I had a very busy weekend - hangin' with folks, house stuff, and teaching this weekend. It's a good tired, though. I like it.
Last night I shared 4 Lessons from the Valley with our folks here at First Baptist North Mobile. I thought it was good simply because I was able to share my story with our people, some who have yet to hear it. But it was good because I believe everyone of us will experience valley times. . .low times. . .hard times in our lives. No one serves as an exception. I also believe that there are a lot of people attending church who are not honest with themselves, others, or God about their valley.
Just think, the only one they are fooling is themselves. God already knows. Some sheep know, those who don't. . .well they just don't know enough about their situation to help.
Hopefully God was able to open doors to some hearts allowing people, even Christians, to be honest for the first time.
Listen, if you're experiencing a valley time in your life, be sure to tell someone. And if you don't know anyone or don't trust anyone, let me know. If nothing else I can pray for you!
Sooooo, until tomorrow - don't be a fool, be honest!
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