My Sign
I have found myself using it more and more these days. I'm not sure I know why. Maybe it's the victory I find myself experiencing every day since the loss of Karen. I don't always feel like I'm living in victory. As a matter of fact, some days I feel downright defeated. Then I'm reminded that the only victory Satan and this world have over me is the victory I give them. I choose to live in victory or defeat.
I write about it today. . .well. . .because today is the the second anniversary (for lack of a better term) of her death. That's right on May 8, 2005 Karen went to worship her God for eternity. As this day approached I've asked many to pray for God's grace for me for today. I wasn't sure what to expect or if I should expect anything. I didn't know how I would feel or if I should be feeling anything. Many have reminded me of their prayers for me. Thank you. I really do appreciate it. Those prayers remind me that I can live in victory.
I know the day's not over and something could still happen. And to be honest. . .that would be OK. I hope I would still choose to live in victory.
What about you? What about you, fellow Valley Venturer, are you living in the victory you have in Christ? You do have victory. Allow me to encourage you to live in victory. Start today. . .right now!
This is an encouraging message. However, what happend to your V fingers? It looks like you have hurt it in some battles you have been overcoming. LP
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