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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Men of God

I've been spending time recently reading through Genesis. As I do, I have been focusing on the men Moses writes about. There are a lot of men listed in Genesis, but God has been leading me to study Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

This morning I finished. There is some good stuff here for us guys. Here are some lessons for us men (and for some women) out there.
  • It doesn't matter if we start out in the wrong direction as long as we end up in the right direction - Jacob began as a con-man - a swindler - but ended up being used by God
  • Some men were meant to leaders from birth - Joseph
  • It was intended that all men lead their families - spiritually, provisionally, & relationally
  • Living out an adventure is all part of our makeup - Noah, Abraham
  • Men, we need to fight for our beauty - Jacob fought for Rachel, he worked 14 years just for the privelege of marrying her
  • Even though we may be arrogant, we need to learn to be humble (yours truly fits into this one) - Jacob & Joseph - like father, like son
  • We need to pursue the heart of God - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, & Joseph
These were incredible men. Men who made mistakes, just like we do today, but they continued to serve and pursue the hear tof God. They listened to the voice of God. They served God, in spite of their circumstances. They clung to Yahweh. And they modeled for their sons God's desire for men to be leaders of their families.

Listen up men!! If you have a wife who is expereincing a valley time right now, she needs you to fight for her. Lift her up in prayer - privately and openly. She needs to hear you and see you fighting for her. And lead your family - stop allowing her to do it. It's your responsibility.

I remember when Karen was sick. I would pray for her - her healing, her comfort, her encouragement. I often prayed privately for her. But I also prayed openly for her and with her. She needed to know that I was fighting for her. She needed to know she wasn't alone in this fight. I remember when God told me she would die of cancer. I told God he wasn't going to get her without a fight. I was not letting go of her that easy. I never told Karen God told me she would die of cancer, but I did let her see me fight for her and she knew of it.

If you're experiencing a valley time in your life right now remember to be obedient to what the Lord is telling you. Be found faithful. And trust God for the details. Continue leading your family. Continue serving God. Let your wife and children see you struggle, but let them also see you trust God. It will scream volumes to them about the importance of a relationship with God -especialld in the midst of the valley.

There probably haven't been too many days that I haven't struggles since May 12, 2003, when Karen was diagnosed with cancer. Whether during Karen's illness, her death, or with life after Karen, I have struggled. And there have been days when I wasn't faithful to God (always faithful to Karen), when I didn't follow God, when I didn't listen to His voice. Thre were times when I didn't want to lead anymore. I was tired. I was worn out from the fight. At times, I was ready to give in. But I didn't. I continued to fight, to lead, to provide, to serve. I continued to trust God, even if I couldn't see His hand. I let Karen into my struggles - women pay attention here - and in doing so I know Karen prayed for, encouraged, and supported me as a husband and a leader. I allowed her to see my fight and my trust.

Ok. . .enough about me. Men, this is about you! For some of you, I want to encourage you to keep up the fight. If you need someone to pray for you email me and let me know - please incude your name and your fight. For some of you, it's time you stepped up the plate. Quit letting your wife lead and fight for your marriage and family. Stop being such a wuss. You're in a battle for your family and the longer you wait to take the lead the greater the chances your family won't survive. C'mon man, grab that sword and take on the enemy!! If for nothing else, for your wife and your children.

You may be hearing more on this subject in the days ahead. The passion to see men become what God designed and desires them to be is something God has really laid upon my heart recently. I may even choose to start another blog or web site devoted to this issue.

Let me know where you are, how I can pray for you, or how I can help you.

Taking up the sword and fighting the good fight,


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