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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Friday, June 16, 2006

Standing in the Gap

One thing my brothers and I was taught growing up was to stick up for each other. And that's what we did. I know some of you don't doubt that for a moment. Our mentality was we could fight with each other, but no one else could fight us. And believe me, we fought. Our definition of a fair fight was one that you won. Soooo. . .everything was legal - whatever you could do to win was acceptable. But if you were smart, you would stay out of our fights, 'cause the same went for your fight with me or either of my brothers - everything was fair. As the oldest I took it upon myself to take up for my brothers, on occasion they did the same for me. Now let me set the record straight. . .we never started a fight, we never went looking for a fight, but if you started it - we were to finish it! End of story!!

As I was reading Exodus 32-34 this morning I realized that people - valley experiencers in particular - need someone who will fight for them. . .stand in the gap for them. Sometimes they can't fight for themselves - they're too hurt and beat up. Sometimes they are simply oblivious to the fact that they need someone to stand on their behalf before God. Sometimes they are full of shame or too guilt-ridden to ask for help.

Moses did this a couple of times. He did it when God was REALY, REALY hot at the Israelites and wanted to wipe them out. Then there was Moses - he reminded God that these were His people - not that God needed to be reminded, but Moses seemed to have a way of calming God down (if that's possible) - like a good friend.

On another occasion Moses stepped up and asked God to go with them when they moved forward. He pleaded with God not to send them out without His presense or the Israelites wouldn't be any different than the rest of the world.

I don't know if the poeple of Israel realize how fortunate they were to have a Moses stand in the gap for them. I don't think they knew how many times they were close to total obliteration. God wanted to get rid of them, or at least remove His hand from them, but, once again, there was Moses. There was always Moses. . .standing up for the people.

There are so many people - valley experiencers - who feel like they, themselves, are on the brink. . .the edge. . .so close to obliteration, and they need someone who will come before a merciful God and plead their case. I need it and so do many others.

Who does God want you to stand up for this week? Flock - who has God put in your path this week that needs SOMEONE. . .ANYONE. . .to plead their case before Almighty God? They are there, now stop and think whoooo has God placed in your life recently? And are they going through a valley - it doesn't have to be huge, just a valley? What is their specific need?


Next step - pray for them. Make it a habit of coming before Holy God and pleading their case. . .presenting their need. Then wait. . .wait and watch God do something you never expected, or they either for that matter.

Stepping Up,


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