I must predicate this post with this note: Read this in an angry, frustrated tone
This morning I was reading Acts 14. While I was reading my eyes ran across verse 19,
Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.
When I read that verse God reminded me that just because we change our environment doesn't mean Satan will leave us alone. Just because we change churches, or cities, or friends, or _______________ (you fill in the blank in your life) doesn't promise safety from the evil one. He will keep attacking. He will continue to bear down on us. Just as he did to Paul, he will do to you.
Even our churches aren't safe. We come in on Sunday all smiley, glad-handin', huggin', servin', preachin', teachin' and we think somehow the enemy is safe outside while we're safe inside. NOT SO!!! He sneaks in through well-intentioned people, he hides behind the rules, regulations, and rituals. He ambushes us through our finances, buildings, creeds, or whatever we cherish at our churches. The sooner we get this the sooner we will be ready to take the fight to Satan.
That's what Paul did. When these men followed he and Barnabas form Antioch and Iconium riled up the people so much so that they stoned Paul and left him for dead, Paul got up and went right back into the city! He wasn't just going to lie there and die. He got up and he took the fight to Satan. He went right back in the ring. Talk about guts! Talk about hang-me-downies!! This guy had 'em.
(Side note - don't know what women have to describe gumption - courage, initiative - sorry ladies)
Karen had them. She wasn't going to allow Satan to steal her joy - to rob her of victory. She took the fight to Satan. She wasn't going to just lay there and die! She fought - she fought to the very end for her Lord. She had guts.
Maybe I need some guts. Maybe I need some hang-me-downies. I need something so I will stop running scared and whooped and attack Satan. Maybe the church needs leaders who are tired of running. Maybe the church needs members who are tired of running. Maybe we need to take the fight to Satan - FINALLY!
Oh, by the way - WE HAVE VICTORY!! We have power in Christ Jesus to defeat the enemy. We have everytihg it takes to break out a 55 gallon drum of whoop on Satan. What are we waiting for!? What are you waiting for? What am I waiting for?
I will stop running and start fighting!
His Word
Sound Teaching & Doctrine
These shall be my weapons
Will you join me? Will you be one of those comrades? Will you stop lying there, get up and take the fight to Satan?
I'm not ready to roll over and die!!
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