No one else is like you. . .
Sometimes I get to ranting and raving about the church and stuff and I forget that above all the fighting, above all the rules, rituals, and regulations there is a God is great, whose name is mighty in power, who deserves our reverence, and is wiser than all the MENSA-rated geniuses put together.
Even when I pray, I sometimes forget to tell God. . .to adore Him for who He is!! And I don't think He gets tired of hearing it, either. Not because He needs to hear it, but because when we declare who He is, it helps us realize who we are in light of who He is. It places my/our relationship with God in proper alignment.
Now, I must remember that when I declare God's greatness or His majesty or any of His magnificent qualities, it must be done with a sincere heart, not like the superficial praise we give superstars, athletes, rock stars, or actors/actresses. Our adoration of the Father must be an overflow, an acknowlegement of our time with Him. How else will I. . .we. . .know of His nature?
So. . .who is God to you? Mighty - Powerful - Faithful - Loving - Gracious - Ever Present Help - Father - Lord - Healer - Banner - Provider - . . .?
Take time today, even now, to adore the One who loved you even when you were wallowing in your sin. The One who loved you first. The One who loved you enough to send His one and only Son to die for you.
Will you tell Him?
You know. . .if you're in a valley time of your life right now, it may seem difficult to praise God. Boy, can I relate. There are days, even weeks, that you don't want to sing the praises of Almighty God. I can only say that the longer you go without praising your Father, the more difficult it will become to do so later. Don't wait. Even if it's hard. Count it a blessing to experience Him in a new way; to know Him on a deeper level. . .even when you don't feel like it.
Remember, He's always there, waiting for you. . .for me.
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