Strange gods
Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is to get started. Whether it's teaching, preaching, writing, or blogging. I'm not the most creative person in the world - that was Karen's gift - so when something does hit me I know for sure it's God.
This morning, I'm not so creative, so I'm just going to jump right in with both feet.
So I'm reading Acts 17 this morning and kind of thinking this is just like the stuff in Acts 14. Paul and his compadres are preaching the gospel, ticked off some of the local church leaders (yeah it happened then too), escaped a lynch mob, went to the next town over and lo and behold guess who shows up. Yep! The guys from the last town, stirring people up against Paul and again he makes like a baby and leaves (yeah I know).
Paul finds himself in Athens. A place where there are so many gods and altars to gods. They even have an altar to an unknown god. Here's what I think is so funny. With so many gods you would need a program to tell one from another isn't it kind of ironic, or at least a little funny, that the Athenians would say something like, "He's pushing some kind of foreign gods." I don't know about you, but I thought it was funny. Think about it for a second, how would they know what was foreign and what wasn't? Anyway. . .remember, I'm a little strange and find things like this somewhat humorous.
On a more serious note, the passage says that Paul was distressed, deeply troubled, at the number of gods he encountered. One version writes that Paul was angry at all the idol worship that was going on. If Paul were to take a walk around your community. . .your life. . . would he be upset at the gods he would find. He would in mine, that's for sure. I would definitely be a disappointment. Let me ask another question, are you distressed at the gods in your community? Your life? If not, why not? If so, what are you going to do about it?
Paul took action. He went and met with them and told them about the One, True God. What about you? Want to see your life and the church become what God has always intended it to be? If so, ask God to help you develop a holy anger for idols and gods in your life and in your community. Then do something about it.
In your life - repent (turn from the gods in your life) and confess - if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9), become more disciplined - for you do not have the spirit of timidity, but the spirit of power and love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).
In your community - pray for God's transforming power to overwhelm your community, live your life in such a way that others will know you're different - and they will know you are Christ-followers if you love one another (John 13:35).
These are starters, but it really begins when we develop a burden for our community and those whom God places in our lives. I'm still learning. Won't you learn with me?
learning right along w/ you - thanks for the challenge!
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