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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Friday, July 07, 2006

Glad to Hear. . .

I'm back! My dad and his wife, Jane, have been here all week. It's been a good week - busy - but good. Did lots of good eatin', shoppin', and even spent one day riding motorcycles with Dad (read about it here). With all the goin's on in Saraland I just haven't had the time to post anything.

But. . .I'm back, so here it goes!

Are you ever glad to hear from someone? Are there people in your life you love to talk to and hear about their life? Is there someone who, either through email or phone or even in person (yeah, think about, some people still talk face-to-face, go figure - like they don't have anything better to do), you can't wait to hear from? Someone to share your day with? Someone to laugh with? Someone to cry with? Someone to hear you out and help you walk through the valleys in your life?

I do - did, actually. Karen was that for me. She was my confidant . . .my advisor. . .my ultimate accountability partner. . .my counselor. . .my friend. In her absence God has given me some others to talk to:
  1. My best friend, Stacey, who makes me laugh, encourages me, and dreams with me - we can really talk about guy stuff, stupid stuff, and God stuff
  2. My friend Lynn - she's like a big sister/mother figure to me. She makes sure I'm alright and checks up on me from time to time, she's also good with advice
  3. My friends Vince & Debbie - Vince used to be my accountability partner and Debbie was one of Karen's closest friends, they know me, aren't impressed by me, but respect me and what I do. They also ask the hard questions and I know, without any doubt, they and their children pray for me
Who do hear from? Who, in your life in the midst of the valley, do you or can you call?

I also have someone else. Someone who's always there. Someone who's greater than anyone I can talk to. Someone who knows me better than anyone I know. Someone who's always glad I called. Wanna guess? If you said God, you were right.

This morning I was reading Acts 13 - an incredible passage in it's own right: Apostles praying and fasting, the setting aside of Paul and Barnabas for the first mission trip, preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. In the midst of this passage I ran across a couple of verses that really spoke to me -

47For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
" 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles,
that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"

48When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

In case you missed it, verse 48 says that the Gentiles were GLAD and HONORED the word of the Lord. Ok, glad kind of speaks for itself, but the word honored translates to glorify and give praise to. So, not only were these Gentiles, these God-fearing non-Jews glad for the opportunity to have a relationship with God they praised and glorified the word of the Lord. I can just see them know - dancing, singing, praising - can you see them?

If not, it may be that you're not glad . . . you're not praising the word of God. When was the last time you spent some meaningful, intentional, un-interrupted time with God? When was the last time you looked forward to hanging out with God - talking to Him, sharing with Him, listening to Him, laughing with Him, even dancing before Him (for us Baptist this can be fun, but scary :) )? Even if it's been a while you can still get back to that point.

If you've never spent time with Him, it may be because you like the Gentiles before Paul and Barnabas never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love God has for you. If this is you, click here learn how you CAN have a personal relationship with the God of this universe. (If you become a Jesus-follower email me so I can rejoice before the Lord and pray for you.)

If you've established a relationship with the Father, then step back away from the screen, close your eyes (move your lips if you're at work . . . don't want someone, especially the boss, the think you're sleeping on the job) and ask God to meet you there, or tell Him how you feel right now, or something you're struggling with, or ask for an answer or encouragement, or wisdom, or focus, or whatever you need right now. Then just sit for a moment - it may feel like a lifetime, but it will only be for a few seconds, trust me. Allow His presence to put a smile on your face. Then thank Him. If you can't dance where you are, dance in your heart!! Later today, maybe tonight before you go to bed, and in the morning, do it again. Before you know it you will be looking forward to spending time with your Heavenly Healer, praising Him, glorifying Him, hootin'-n-hollerin' before Him (oops, my Texan slipped out).

I'm glad and I honor God's word. . .not always, but a lot of the time. It makes a difference.

Glad for God's Word,


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