Worship the Lord!
Why do I complain about others when all along it's the Lord I'm really mad at?
I found myself contemplating this question the other day as I read Exodus 16, especially Exodus 16:8.
I remember when I went away to college after graduating high school. I attended Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. It's a great school and I really enjoyed my time there as my grades will attest. Anyway. . .I remember attending OBU believing God had called me into full time ministry. I went there to prepare for serving the Lord with my life. One problem. . .life got in the way!
While I was away my family seemed to be falling apart and the church was nowhere in sight. I got mad - at the church, at my family, and anyone else I could find. I left the church, I left ministry, I left God and pursued a life that I often refer to as my testimony building time. It's not a time I brag about, but it's a part of my life, like it or not.
Later, after I found myself at the feet of God like the prodigal son and began rebuilding my relationship with Him. During that rebuilding period I took some time to reflect on this period of my life. You want to know who I was really mad at? You probably guessed it, God. I was furious with Him. I mean, c'mon, this is how someone is treated who surrenders their life to Him? If that's so, then I wanted no part of it! You talk about a valley!!! While I was mad at God, I took my anger out on people who loved me, people who wanted the best for me. Why?
Is it because I didn't/don't know it's God at the time who I'm really mad at? Is it because it's easier to gripe about someone - someone I can see and touch? Is it possibly because I don't want to be angry at God, so it's easer to be mad at a person? It's probably all of these and more. What's yours?
But isn't that so much like me - get angy at poeple instead of God? Then again, should I even be angry at God?
The Lord led the Israelites out of 430 years of captivity - bondage, working for the man - and now they think they have it worse than they did before? Isn't that just like me - like us? God leads us into this beautiful valley where there's food, shelter, water, and this really Good Shepherd. And what do we do? We complain. We gripe. We whine. We get angry. We lose sight of the big picture - all for the scope of our present situation.
We begin to look at each day, each situation in and of itself as though they stand alone. We don't take time to connect the dots. We don't step back and see where we came from, where we've been, and where we're going.
Soooo. . .we whine, stomp our feet , pout, get mad, pitch a fit - and blame someone else for our current situation just like the Israelites blamed Moses.
If I remember correctly I'm supposed to consider it joy - all joy - when I experience various trials and fall into different kinds of valley. For in doing so - experiencing trials - I develop and build up perseverence which leads to maturity in my faith, making me complete - not lacking anything (James 1:2-4).
So, for today I will praise the Lord. I will lift up holy hands to praise and worship the Good Shepherd, His love, and His protection. Today, I will glorify the name of the Lord, not just with my tongue, but with my life.
I have found that it's hard to whine and gripe and be angry and worship the Lord at the same time. Have you? Try it today. . .now. . .this moment. Stop and thank God for family, your church, salvation, His love, mercy, and grace. Praise His name for victory and abundant life. What can you praise Him for today? Stop whining and start worshipping!!
Lifting Holy Hands,