Faith and Power
This morning during my quiet time, as I was mulling over God being in the details of my life, I thought about a little book I bought for Karen while we were in Houston for one of Karen's chemo treatments. The book is entitled, God is in the Small Stuff and It All Matters: Stop Worrying and Invite God Into the Details of Your Life. It was written by Bruce & Stan. A couple of guys who love the Lord and have a unique way of writing about Him.
Anyway. . .I picked the book up and was looking through it when I noticed a bookmark in the back. It turned out to be one that Karen gave me on June 28, 2003. That was the year she was diagnosed with colon cancer. On the bookmark was the verse where Jesus tells us that if we have the faith of a mustard see we could do great and mighty things - nothing would be impossible for us (Matt 17:21). On the back she wrote,
Continue trusting God in all things. Have the "faith" of that little mustard seed.
I Love You,
It's the same bookmark that finds it new home in my journal. It serves as a reminder - not necessarily of Karen's great faith, but that I must have the faith of the little mustard seed attached to it. And with that faith, along with God's power, I can do ANYTHING! NOTHING will be impossible!!
[Side Note: While I must have faith, it's not my faith that moves the mountains. It is the power of God! BUT faith must be present.]
It's a lesson in trusting God. What are you trusting God for? Do you have the faith He can/will provide? So. . .where's your faith? Is it in your abilities or God's power? All it takes is the faith of a little ol' seed.
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