In Exodus 12:33 the people of Egypt URGED the people of Israel to GET OUT!! for fear that all of them might die. Hmmmm. . .didn't God tell Pharoah that He would only kill the firstborn sons? Yeah, I'm a firstborn, kinda scary to think about. Now, I don't know if the people knew this little fact or not, but Pharoah certainly did. And I don't know that if Pharoah didn't allow the people to go if God wouldn't have killed more people. That's God's call, not mine. But did someone, somewhere, forget what the Lord had told them?
I know I sometimes forget what the Lord has told me. It's easy to do in life. It's even easier to do when you find yourself in the midst of the valley. We get so busy with everything going on around us - job, kids, marriage, friends, even church becomes something we get busy doing (versus being) - and before we know it we forget.
We forget that God said He wouldn't put more on us that we could handle. We forget He would give us peace that goes beyond human comprehension. We forget we have a Spirit, not of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and discipline. WE FORGET!!
What has God shared with you that you have forgotten? What has God told you, but because of your valley. . .your life. . .you have let it slip your heart and mind? Stop and ask God to remind you today of what He has spoken to you, so you, like the Israelites, will always remember what He has done and said.
Finding Him Faithful,
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