To God be the Glory
I sometimes wonder about this valley thing. I wonder why I'm going through it. I wonder when I'm going to get out. I wonder why it's so hard some times. I know God has some lessons for me to learn. Some are easy, some are more difficult. I know there is some growing that needs to take place. Some of it emotional, some spiritual. This morning as I read through Exodus 14 I was reminded that my valley is also to be used to bring glory to God. In fact, that may be the prmary reason I've become a valley experiencer. It's also the most difficult for me to grasp. . .to understand. I think it's because I view life, and especially my life, from my self-centered, self-preserving, point of view and not from God's point of view.
In Exodus 14 Gods says three times "I will bring glory to myself," or "I will gain glory." God was all about bringing glory to himself. Why? I believe it's to remind us to fear the Lord and put our faith in him. That's what verse 30 says happened when God destroyed the Egyptian army right in front of the entire Israel nation. The people turned to God. It was about Him, not them.
Yeah, I think there are some lessons and some growing to be had, but even these are meant to draw me closer toward God. And if I am coming closer to Him, then I'm focusing on Him more and more. And my focusing on Him brings Him glory!
As I think back to Karen's valley, I am reminded of how she constantly pointed people toward God, away from herself and her valley. Somehow she seemed to make sure God received the glory, not Karen. Even in her last days as she was REALLY drawing closer to God her words reflected her heart. I remember her saying, "Don't worry about me, 'cause I won't be worrying about you. When I get to heaven I'm going to dance with my Jesus and worship my God." You see, Karen, even in her last days on this alien planet knew it was about, all about, God.
So. . .is your valley about you or about bringing God glory? Sure there are some lessons to be learned and growth to experience, but, even then your valley is to bring God glory. Now, if your valley has become about you, step back and begin focusing on God. You will be surprised the difference it will make.
Glory to God!
Hi Mike,
I think most of us who have found ourselves "in the valley" all get to point where we truly long to get out. Lately I've been there myself, and I have been asking the Lord to show me what I must be missing. Last night I read this blog entry and this morning, I read 1 Peter, chapter 1 - thought they kind of related to one another! By the way, when are you going turn these blogs into a book?
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