Look for the Other Side!
I'm walking through Exodus for now, so you will probably see a trend.
I'm posting twice because I was unable to post yesterday and I wanted to get caught up. Some good stuff here.
Alrighty then!
Valley experiencers, how would you respond to God if, in the midst of your deepest valley experience, you began to get the feeling you have to go deeper? What if you had to take on additional pain and suffering, even more than you are facing now? Something to think about as we look at the Israelites. Looking at Exodus 5 we find Moses and Aaron - HEY FLOCK everyone needs at least one Aaron in their life, this is where YOU come in - asking Pharoah to let the people of God go so they can go into the wilderness to worship and celebrate the Lord, their God.
Pharoah is HOT at hearing their request. He ain't likin' it one bit!! He responds by adding more difficulty to an already tough job. He makes the Israelites keep up their brick production quota without providing some of their materials, like straw. Ever tried to make bricks without straw? Me neither. So I'm imagining trying to make chocolate-chip cookis without any chocolate chips. And, oh by the way, you still have to make as many today as you did yesterday! Get the picture?
Pharoah's command is harsh - agreed? Why would God allow this? Moses and Aaron were there to take God's people away from such cruelty. Yet. . .He allows them to experience more pain, more suffering.
In the end, though, the Israelites would experience something they had not know in some 400 years - FREEDOM!! They couldn't see it at the time, but it's theirs and they would eventually receive it. God always had it to give to them, and they, like Pharoah, would see God's unmatchless soveriegnty and in the end the Israelites were to see the "other side" of their valley.
When we are in the valley it does appear that - and in reality it actually happens - we go deeper. . .a little deeper in pain, suffering, away from the light into the darkness. The Israelites, God's own people, suffered real pain. We, too, may be asked to endure more pain for a little while longer, but God IS sovereign. He's there all the time. He hasn't left us or forsaken us. And eventually there's an "other side."
God was well aware of the Iraelite's circumstances. He is well aware of yours. This morning take time to thank God for your "other side." You may not be able to see it, but it's there. OH IT'S THERE! Don't allow your valley. . .your pain. . .your suffering keep you from experiencing the unmatchless soveriegnty of God.
Looking for my binoculars!!
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