Rest and Peace
I'm walking through Psalms 23 - verse by verse. This morning I focused on the second verse
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams. (NLT)
I began thinking about resting in green meadows and walking beside peaceful streams. I really want to experience that rest and peace. I mean, I do - at times. I have my moments of rest and peace, but I want them all the time.
Then I began to think, "Is this a reasonable expectation of the valley experience?" To be perfectly honest, I don't know. Maybe I should just enjoy the moments of peace and rest that I do experience. Maybe I should learn to appreciate these moments.
Then I re-read the verse. It says that the Shepherd "lets me rest in green meadows" and "leads me beside peaceful streams." Maybe the key to rest and peace lies within me. Hmmm? Think about this for a moment - he lets me rest. It may be that resting is my part. He provides the green pastures and it's my part to rest in them. Likewise, the Shepherd may be waiting on me to follow him beside the peaceful streams.
It's like Christ is saying, "I'm giving you all you need to experience the rest and peace you desire, but it's up to you to rest and to follow."
My struggle is that
while I know what it looks and feels like to follow the Shepherd, I'm not sure I know what it looks or feels like to rest. I'm asking the Father to show me what that looks and feels like so I will know it when I experience it. What about you? Are you "resting? Are you following and experiencing the peace he offers.
Unlike myself, you may have known that peace and rest. Let me know what it looks and feels like to you. I would be interested in knowing.
One thing I'm learning about the valley experience is that sometimes there are more questions than answers. I think that's a good thing, especially if we are honest with God and let him know that we, indeed have these questions and we honestly seek answers. That, I believe, should be a pre-requisite for the valley experience.
Learning to rest and follow,