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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What is He talking about?

Have you ever wonder if God has lost His ever lovin' mind? Oh, don't act so pious and righteous, you know what I'm talking about - God asks you to do something and you're thinking, "What in the world? God, have you lost your ever lovin'?"

I guarantee you I have. On more than one occasion.

I think this is what Jeremiah must have been thinking when God told him to buy a field from his cousin, have the purchased witnessed, sealed, and the documents placed in a protective clay jar. [click here to read the entire story]

I get the feeling as I read the story that Jeremiah didn't quite get it when God told him to pruchase the field form his cousin. I'm not too sure I blame him. Think about what God has been telling him to proclaim to the people of Judah and its leaders - "Get ready to surrender or die." Then God tells Jeremiah to purchase some land. Don't know about you, but I would probably be mumbling something about throwing good money after bad.

You know what I've discovered - Sometimes God doesn't make sense and that's OK. It's called faith. It's believing God has our best interest at heart. It's also realizing and accpeting the fact that God's ways are not our ways.

I can attest to the fact that God doesn't always make sense. Like watching the life slip from the love of my life after more than 20 years of marriage. Or, that not even two months later He has me in Mobile, Alabama. Don't get it. But one thing I do get is that He's still God and He's still right.

You know. . .I'm so glad I serve a God that I can't figure out, especially with the few brain cells I have left. I serve a God who is still mysterious. One who allows me to get to know Him and is deeper than I could ever go with Him.

Listen. . .if you're in the valley of life and God asks you to do something - just do it. If you don't understand it, don't worry about it - just do it. If you can't figure it out, it's OK - just do it. Remember it's called faith.

Jeremiah didn't understand either. Not until God came to him and explained His plans to restore both Judah and Israel in the future. You see, Jeremiah's purchase of that field was a sign that God was going to bring His people home one day and there would be a day of restoration - a day of hope.

There is a day of restoration. There is a day of hope. There is an "other side".

Ours is a journey of obedience.

Remain obedient. Be found faithful. Trust God for the details.


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