What's in your wineskin?
When I was younger (3rd-5th grades) our family lived in Naples, Italy. Dad was in the US Navy and the US government thought we should spend some time there. Don't get me wrong, it was one of my favorite places to live growing up. We didn't live on a base, instead we lived in the community along with the Italians and other Americans. We actually lived in an apartment building on the side of a hill, with the Bay of Naples on one side of us and the soccer stadium in downtown Naples just below us. It was a great time to be a kid.
Just up the street from us lived a farmer and his family. He farmed all the land below us. He grew all kinds of fruits and vegetables, inlcuding grapes. Guess what he did with the grapes? Yep, stomped 'em for homemade wine. They don't view wine like we do - something to drink when you go out with friends, etc. (by the way - I know not everyone views wine this way and many have a healthy respect for wine). Wine is just a part of their culture. For the most part they enjoy wine, not abuse it.
Speaking of wine - you're probably wondering where this is going, eh? - I was reading Jeremiah 13 this morning and wondered across this verse
"Say to them: 'This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Every wineskin should be filled with wine.' "

The note at the bottom of my Bible said the use of the term "wineskin" was reference to the Israelites who were to be filled with God's presence. Which, of course, as we read through the book of Jeremiah we find they were not, though they acted like it (or tried to).
The same goes for me - and God's people - today. I, too, am to be filled by with God's presence. The problem is that I often look like I'm filled with God's presence on the outside - I'm full. I'm filled. . .with something. The problem is I'm not filled with God.
I'm filled with my own desires, my own wants and wishes, my own kind of love, my own sense of grace, mercy, and justice. I'm often filled with frustration rather than joy; pain rather than healing.
I hate that I don't allow His presence to fill me. I hate that I fill my life with so many things. I hate the fact that I fill my life in the first place. (Hate may be a strong word, but you hopefully you know what I mean.)
My heart - my life - is supposed to belong to God. And as the rightful owner, He has every right to fill it with His desires. . .His wishes. . .His love. . .His grace & mercy. . .His joy. . .His healing.
The question is who will I allow to fill my wineskin - God or me?
What about you? What's in your wineskin? Have you allowed God to fill you today with His presence or is your wineskin full of your stuff? It's your choice, you know.
Struggling in the valley today? Check your wineskin. What's in there? Despair, pain, hurt, bitterness? Empty it out today. . .right now. . .by confessing to God whatever you have allowed to be in there. Then ask God to fill it with His presence. . .His love. . .His healing. . .or whatever you need right now. Oh, and by the way, even if you don't know what you need right now, God does. Just ask Him to fill it with the right kind of "wine", He knows.
Ciao bella,
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