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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What a Promise!

I'm pretty pumped this morning. Let me tell you why.

Yesterday, I read Jeremiah 29. In it is verse 11 - you say, "Why of course. It's always been there." I say, "But have you read it in context of the entire chapter?" You say,. . .

In case you're wondering why I'm carrying on this conversation with you - and by the way, thank you for playing along, it really helps - I, too, have read this verse over and over and over. I have had it emailed to me, I have seen it as signatures on emails, and I have read it in devotionals. But until this morning when, while I was crunching on some cereal and bananas, it hit me that this verse must be read in its context. So, I re-read chapter 29.

Why of course, I will set it up for you.

This one verse is part of an incredible letter from God, written by Jeremiah to those Israelites exiled to Babylon. You see, God had been telling the Israelites they were headed to Babylon. Because of their sin and turning away from God, He was sending Nebuchanezer, King of Babylon, to take them back to Babylon as exiles.

Then He gives Jeremiah this letter to give to those who are in exile. It's a letter of promise. It's a letter of encouragement. It's a letter of hope. It's a letter to those Israelites who are in the valley.

It's also letter to us. It's a letter of promise to us, you and me - those who God has allowed to journey into the midst of the valley of life. If you're experiencing a valley time in your life right now, take God at His word. And here it is.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

What a wonderful promise. To know that my God has plans for me. That my God's plans don't include harming me or hurting me, but blessing me. That in God's own words, there is an "other side!"

Now, these blessing may not come in the valley. And I can't tell you what your blessing will be, that's up to God. But I can tell you this promise is for every Christ-follower who is experiencing life in the valley right now. I want to assure you. . . there is an "other side". There will be a time of restoration. There will be a time of blessing. There will be a time when you and I will stand on top of the next mountain with our arms raised in sa-weet victory (this is where the theme to Rocky starts playing in the background) and do the Rocky dance - OK, so I don't dance, but I can jump up and down.

So. . .if you feel like you're stumbling around in the valley, be encouraged.

If you're a single mom struggling to make ends meet and be both mom & dad, be encouraged.

If you're a student struggling with relational issues. . .school. . .peer pressure, be encouraged.

If you're a dad wondering how you will provide for you're family, be encouraged.

If you're wrestling with a divorce or the loss of a loved one, be encouraged.

If you're haggling with God over His plans for you, be encouraged.

If you're wondering how long you will be in this valley, be encouraged.

If you're a pastor wondering why you are where you are, be encouraged.

Remain obedient, be found faithful, and trust God for the details. Follow your Shepherd and allow the flock to love on and minister to you. Because, there is a "one day" coming. There is a promise to you and me that God will restore you. There is a promise that He will bless you.

There is a promise of hope for you.

Hey, anybody seen my old grey sweats and bandana?


At 8/17/2006 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right and i will be! P

At 8/17/2006 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My valley has lasted much longer than I ever expected (isn't that the way it goes?), and sometimes, when I get really exasperated, and I start asking God "Please show me where you're taking me!", He reminds me of that scripture. I know that no matter what I am going through, God has something BIG waiting for me. I personally think not knowing in what direction your life is headed is the hardest thing when you're in a valley, especially if you thought you had a good plan for the future. That scripture promises us that all we have to do is TRUST-God DOES have a plan.

At 8/18/2006 11:44 AM, Blogger kris said...

great observations on one of my favorite verses/passages


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