Which Path?
As we travel through the valley we come to those times when we must make a decision - which way do we/I go? What path should I follow?
I don't know about you, but I have run across this often. One thing I have learned as I have traveled through the valley of life is the fact that the real question is not which way do I go, but to whom do I look for direction, whose map do I use in determining which way I should go. It's easy to think that all I have to do go the way that makes the most sense, or is most comfortable, or seems to lead where WE want to go. Well. . .doesn't it?
This morning I was reminded of a passage of Scripture that God continues to show me while I'm on this journey. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells me, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths" (NLT). Did you pick up on what God is saying to us? It is so simple. It's right there in front of our eyes. God is saying that if you and I will trust God completely (that's called faith), seek him out, and STOP depending on our own wisdom and understanding then HE will direct our paths.
Hhhmmmm. Seems like I heard this before. . .
Matt 6:24 - You cannot serve two masters.
Philippians 2:8 - Jesus, in human form, humbled himself and became obedient to a cross-like death.
Luke 9:23-24 - If you are going to follow Jesus, then we must let our own desires and agendas go and commit to follow Jesus.
Exodus 20:3 - You shall have no other god(s) except the God of creation.
This doesn't seem like rocket science to me - now. What about you? What I often find is that I want God to draw me a map, but as he drawing and giving me directions I keep reaching for my own map. It just won't work. He will not provide direction UNTIL we stop looking at our own map. If we want to truly experience God's faithfulness and roadside assistance through the valley, then we've got to STOP depending upon ourselves. We must resist the temptation to go the easy way, the familiar path, the shortcut, or the direction everyone else is going.
Flock, help those in the valley, but do it by seeking God, loving him completely, and allowing him - and him alone - to draw the map.
I like maps. But when it comes to God's map, I don't always follow it to the tee. I get lost, keep trying another turn here and another road there until I'm thoroughly lost. FINALLY, I stop and ask God for directions. I learning to love God's map. . .if I would just fold mine and put it back in the glovebox.
What about you?
Amazing how God works and knows the needs of others, I printed this one and gave it to someone who is in a valley and really has no direction in which to go. Thank you for this one. God Bless you as you continue to share your valley.
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