God Works It Out!
Hey, valley experiencers! I want to assure you that God is for you, is on your side, is there all the time, loves you more than you can imagine, allows you to be tempted and tested to grow you, has more grace for you than you will ever experience, and is watching every step you take toward the next mountain top.
You may be thinking, "What brough this on? Why is Mike so positive all of a sudden?" Let me tell ya!
Today I closed on my house in Lufkin and am supposed to close on my house in Mobile on Wednesday. Here's the thing - I couldn't do this without God. He has worked out all the details, even gave me a real person to speak to today instead of voice mail (I can't go into details, but this was huge, take my word for it). Even though my truck didn't start at 5:15 am today, the cool thing was that I wasn't at a hotel where I didn't know anyone. I was at the house of my pastor who GRACIOUSLY volunteered to take me to the airport. Thanks Ed! When my truck wouldn't start I just told Satan he was not going to win! I knew God was in charge, that he loved me, was for me, was on my side and I just let him work out the details. I made my 7:00 am flight and everything else went smoothe as buttah!
I still have some details that must fall into place this week to get moved by Friday, but that's God's job. My job is to be obedient and to be faithful to do my part. I mean, God wants me to be involved in my own life. He doesn't expect me to just sit back and watch. He wants me to participate!
Sooo, I make calls, arrange flights (OK Suzanne, my secretary does this), fax stuff (OK, so Donya, my former secretary does this - I AM A LUCKY MAN!!). In other words, God EXPECTS me to do my part.
What is your part in your valley expereince? Are you hangin' back and expecting God to do everything? You DO have a part in the valley. You must keep moving forward and wait when necessary. Is it mending a relationship? confessing a sin? changing a habit or an attitude? What is it God is wanting you to do so you can move toward the next mountain top? It's probably not as difficult as you think and it may be right under your nose waiting for you. Remember, God loves you, is for you, is on your side and his your biggest cheer leader!
Working with God,
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