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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

In the Clear?

I'm sitting in my new office at First Baptist North Mobile wondering if we can be in the clear and remain in the valley.

Let me explain. The other day I was thinking about the blog and the thought came to me, "I feel like I'm starting to come out of the valley." To tell you the truth, it was a pretty good feeling. But what I think I really meant was that I'm coming out of this leg of my journey. I'm getting to start a new season of life without Karen and it's going pretty good. Then, I was hit with the thought, "Am I out of the valley? I am still learning to live without Karen as a part of my life on an everyday basis, so am I really there yet?"

I don't think so. I don't think I have escaped the valley experience. I think I am experiencing the unimpeded force of God in my life. Experiencing His momentum feels a little like being on a mountain top without the emotional high. It's like an everyday experience rather than this one-time-shot,-camp-week thing. Though I do feel as though I'm slowly coming up to the treeline. I'm out of the valley, sort of, yet I'm not out of it completely. I can see the mountain top, but I know now is not the time to reach for the summit.

The summit, ahhh the summit. There it is, just out of reach. I can see it. I can almost feel what it will be like to stand on top of it, but I know, without any doubt, now is not the time to make a run for the summit. There is still some valley to experience. There is still some feeding, resting, lapping up of still waters, and nurturing by the eternal Shepherd that is to take place before the run for the summit.

Yeah, I think we can be "out" of the valley and still be in it. Valley experiencers don't fret. Don't get anxious. Don't worry. (I think there's a verse in the Bible that speaks to such). You, too, may see the summit--wait. Wait for the Shepherd's leading. Wait until He releases you to run for the summit. It's there. It will always be there. It's not going anywhere. So don't try too soon, for I fret falling short may be worse than waiting.

Seeing the summit,



At 7/07/2005 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never been in a valley as deep as yours, but I do believe life is just a mountain range with its peaks and valleys. I too see the summit, but I think it is something we strive for all of our life. Karen reached the summit on May 8, 2005 at 1:10pm. I know that Jesus sent his angels to greet her and that they were all around her that morning. Our human eyes just could not see them. I think Dakota, Sadie, Mix, Jet, Lucy, and Ranger knew they were there - that is why they were so quiet.

God does give us rest in the valley, but he also gives us laughter and time to grieve, cry, and heal. He will also give us the strength to climb the next peak and he will put people in our life to help us along the way, but we will all go back in the valley at times.

I've been in the valley several times in my life and most of the time it is not fun. In fact, I'd rather not be there, but God always leads me out and I am a little stronger through HIM when I reach my next peak.

I see that summit and the older I get the sweeter it looks. I often wonder what my job will be when I get there - surely all this training on earth will be used in heaven-maybe then I will understand it or maybe I will be like Karen and just be so glad to get there that I won't care.

I picked up the phone to call Karen last week. I was talking to a student about nursing school. We had a question we could not find the answer to and I told her to wait in the office while I called a friend and asked her. I actually had my cell phone in my hand and was scrolling through the numbers - when it hit me that I could not ask Karen. It took me a minute to get my breath and then I went back and told the student that I could not contact my friend now and would call AC and find the answer to her question. I said all of that to say this - I don't know how you function - all the little things that she used to do - how hard it must be. Just know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I just claim God's promise to love us and care for us - He will - He is.
Love you,


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