If you read the entire 44th chapter of Jeremiah you soon come to realize it speaks of idolatry and how the love for anything or anyone above your love for God, well. . .pretty much makes Him mad - I wanted to say "Pisses God off," but thought that may piss some of you off, so I used "mad." I'm not talking about mad like "I'll get over it," but mad like, "I'm ready to destroy you!" That's pretty mad, wouldn't you say?
If I think about it, or think through it, why wouldn't it make Him mad? Here are the Israelites whom God has protected, provided for, and rescued time and time again. And all He asks of them is their worship of Him; that they make Him first in their lives, in their marriages, in their work place. As much as He had done for them you would think they would run from worshipping idols. But . . .no.
And there's me . . . there's us. Here God has rescued me from an eternity in hell by giving me His most precious relative, His Son, as payment for the penalty of my sin. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, as my payment, why shouldn't He expect that I have no other thing or person greater than He in my life? If that weren't enough, He provides protection, He provides for my needs, He encourages me. And still I turn my attention and affections toward other things - my desires and my will (that makes me lord of my life, not God), my abilities (that makes me arrogant), my stuff, my activities, my computer (that makes me slave to stuff).
Hope you're gettin' the picture here.
What about you? In light of all God has done for you, where does He reside in your life? Are there things or people or relationships that He takes a back seat to? What about your spouse? Your children? Your job? Your attitudes? Your hobbies? Your schedule?
Now, put yourself in God's place - just for a moment - and try to imagine how He must feel right now.
If you're in the valley - your valley shouldn't be the most important thing in your life. It's part of your life, but if you're focusing on it more than you love God, your valley has become your idol. If you're focusing on how you feel more than loving God, your emotions have become your idol.
Take some time right now and ask God to help you see what idols you have in your life. When God reveals them to you confess them, repent (turn from them), and ask for God's help in making Him the focus of your life.
I assure you, you will see a difference. That and, well. . . God won't be pissed off at you. :)
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