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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Thursday, August 24, 2006


When I was growing up my parents believed in discipline. I received so many spankings, I think there were days my mom spanked me not because she caught me doing something wrong or bad, but because she suspected it. Now. . .mom didn't abuse me. I willingly admit that that I deserved most, if not all them.

Now when she disciplined me, whether I liked it or not (ok I don't remember ever liking any of the times I was disciplined) it was for my good.

When God disciplines us it's for our own good as well. His word tells us that He disciplines those He loves. The question is, will I accept His discipline. . .or not?

In Jeremiah 38:17-18, Zedikiah, King of Judah, could either accept the Lord's discipline and live in Babylon healthy, prosperous, and safe or he could resist His disicpline and die right there in Jerusalem.

The sad thing is that many of us - including myself - try to "survive" on our own. It only makes things worse. Zedikiah thought he knew better when he tried to escape, but he was caught and before his eyes all of his officials were put to death, then his own eyes were gouged out.

I think, sometimes, we don't want to hear of God's discipline. We think we know better and we snub our nose at God or we run away.

When I was younger I would have never snubbed my nose at my mother or father while they were about to discipline me(I wouldn't do it now, either). Doing so would have only made it worse. I would have never run from my mom or dad (mom is 5'11" - she was the living version of Stretch Armstrong and would snatch me back before I could get away - and you just didn't run from dad - bad move). Same thing with God. Running or disrespecting God only makes it worse.

I don't know all the ways God disciplines, but I know He does. I also know His discipline makes us better and it requires faith in believing God wants what's best for you and me. So. . .we grow in our relationship with God and our faith grows as well.

As I wrap this up remember, as hard as it may be - accept God's discipline. Ask Him what He wants you to learn. And praise Him for loving you enough to discipline you.

Oh, the extra padding in the seat? Doesn't work with God.



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