Tuesday's Gone
This post is not deeply spiritual. As a matter of fact it probably doesn't have anything to do with God's presence in our lives while we are journeying through the valley. I do think it has potential in the realm of personal healing.
This morning I'm camped out at Mocha's. It's a local coffee shop across from the church. I grabbed a cup-o-joe (no flavored stuff here - Americano Bold - espresso with water added to make a coffee-like drink) cranked up the laptop, popped in earbuds from the iPod and got lost in the music. One of my fav-o-rite groups of all time is Lynard Synard. I love southern rock and they do both. . .well. . .really well.
A n y w a y. . .
So Lynard Skynard it is. Recently I downloaded Chronicles. It has all their stuff, including early demos of some of their songs. One of the songs that played was Tuesday's Gone. Probably doesn't mean much to most of you - unless you like Lynard Skynard. But the song is about saying good-bye to someone very dear.
Hearing this song brought back some recent memories. Recently I was working through some issues related to Karen's death with a friend of mine. One of the things we discussed was letting go of Karen emotionally. I had let go of her physically, even spiritually, but emotionally I was still hanging on. We agreed on an exercise that really, really helped - writing Karen an good-bye letter. So. . .I wrote Karen a good-bye letter. In the middle of writing the letter this song came on the ol' iPod. I had heard it before, but for the first time I felt I really understood it's meaning. I even told her about the song in the letter. Thought it was kind of ironic - don't you? I even laughed when I realized what was playing and what I was doing.
Heard it again this morning. Still kinda funny - strange funny, not haha funny. But it was also very therapeutic.
Ever wonder what lengths God will go to suprise us. . .to heal us. . .to make us stand up and pay attention? I do. Then, again, I'm funny - strange funny, not necessarily haha funny. Some of you will agree - all to readily I might add, so quit smiling and nodding your head. You know who you are!! :)
Again, not the most spiritual post, but WOW! Thanks God for the memories.
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