I love music.
Always have.
Always will.
My father is from
Texas (
Hook ‘em Horns) and my mother is from
Alabama (
Roll Tide).
Not sure where my parents are from has to do with music, except the south has some really deep roots in the type of music I listened to. Their influence in music is unmistakable.
I grew up listening to gospel, r&b, soul, blues, pop, rock, and instrumental (when you're ADD you can't listen to music with words and type a paper at the same time - it's funny how verses in a song end up in a research paper).
I count my background and exposure to so many different types of music as a plus.
It makes it so much easier to relate to others.
Besides the exposure to so many different types of music I also learned to listen to the words - what are the songs saying?
Come and listen. What does that say to you? It may not say much - to you. To me it says a lot. It’s the title and theme of a David Crowder song on the band’s A Collision CD. It speaks of inviting people to come and listen…come and listen to what God has done in my life…and what He can do in their life.
Ran across an interesting passage the other day in Mark. Mark 5:1-20 tells of a man who had been healed by Jesus. Jesus had, literally, cast many demons out of this man. This man, free at last from the bondage of the demons wanted, pleaded, begged to go with Jesus. Jesus looked at him, as only a man with the character and compassion of Jesus could, and said, “No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” In verse 20 we find the man went away and began to tell everyone about the great things Jesus had done for him.
Now that’s Come and Listen. Come and listen is about telling people the difference the presence of God makes in your life. As a valley experiencer I know for a fact that God’s presence has made a HUGE difference in my life. Some of what you read here is the difference He has made and is making in my life.
Valley experiencers – what difference is He making in your life? Has He made a difference? If so, then who are you telling? Are you shouting, “Come and listen! Come and listen to what God has done in my life!”. If you are not telling anyone about the difference, then is there a difference? If there is a difference then why aren’t you sharing with anyone. You can. You should. Maybe it’s through a blog like this one. It could be through a card, note, or email. It might be through the divine encounters God puts in your path today, tomorrow, the next…
Let’s Come and Listen and see the difference He makes in the lives of those around us.
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