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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Friday, January 13, 2006

King of the Mountain

I remember when I was younger my brothers, my friends, and I would play king of the mountain. For those of you not in the know - king of the mountain is about claiming the mountain for your own while keeping all others off of it by whatever means necessary and tyring to keep from getting knocked off. The mountain could be anything - a mound of dirt (most preferred) or anything one would have to climb and stand atop of, alone, to claim victory (hope that makes sense). You are king of the mountain until someone else, by whatever means necessary, knocks you off of the mountain.

Got it!! Hope so.

So what does this have to do with being in the midst of the valley - EVERYTHING!!

I read Romans 8:37 this morning (I actually read all of Romans 8, but this verse stood out to me as if to say, "Ooo, Ooo, Ooo - look at me, look at me!). It says, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." As I read this verse and began writing in my journal a couple of points came to my mind.

1) So what are "all these things" Paul is talking about?

Verse 35 names several "things" - trouble, calamity, persecution, hunger, cold, danger, the threat of death. That's "these things." How many times have I struggled with trouble or calamity - bad things that happen to me or even stuff that doesn't go my way? How many times have I allowed them to bring me down - to defeat me? Honestly. . .too many times.

What about you? You. . .those in the midst of their own valley. . .how many times have you allowed Satan to use them to bring you down - to defeat you? Hhmmmm. . .


Verse 37 tells me that in Christ Jesus I am victorious - a conqueror - one who stands as "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!" In Christ I am King of the Mountain over everything that Satan would want to use to discredit me, to bring me down, and along with me my testimony of/to my God.


You will not knock me off of the mountain. In Christ, God placed me up here and I claim victory over . . .
my tiredness
my attitude
my heart
my thinking
my motives
my mouth
mw love for others
my compassion
my eyes
my emotions.

And anything else, you, Satan would like to attack. They are not yours. They belong to God who purchased them with the blood of his own Son on the cross and with power raised my Savior from the dead and gave HIM the keys to hell. It is the same power in which I claim victory and the spoils of victory!


You can be the King of the Mountain today - even in the midst of your valley. For if you have accepted Christ as Savior and made Him Lord of your life then God says that you are a co-heir with Christ of all that God has given Him. In other words, today, you can claim the same victory God gave Christ when God raised Him from the dead.


Living like a King!


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