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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Baby or a Barbarian?

Last Wednesday while I was having my quiet time, God really challenged my heart, my soul, and my motivations. I was praying about the message I would present to our college students that night and picked up Erwin McManus' book, The Barbarian Way. I have already read the book once and went through it with a group of men. It was challenging the first time I went through it, but on Wednesday I sensed a new calling from God, something more energizing and convicting. It was something that would last, that would challenge me to the core of my being, it was definitely something I couldn't shake or easily dismiss.

In the midst of spending time with God, I sensed that he was asking me, "Are you a baby or a barbarian?" Let me expound on what I was sensing he was saying to me. He was asking, rather firmly I must admit, whether I was going to stay in the "crib" with the pacifier in my mouth all comfortable and living life safe or would I take up my sword and get on the front lines and fight for the heart of my King?

Oh man! I spent the entire day contemplating that question. In fact, since that day I have had the question filling my heart and head for what seems like every waking moment. Here's what I have found about myself:

I would rather worry about processes, ministries, and programs than I would about lost or hurting people. I prefer the safety of my office, to the dangers of the public eye. I desire to be "at home" than be on the "front lines". To be honest I wasn't very passionate about what ministry is all about - people. That's changing! Thank God it is changing in me.

What about you? Are you so concerned about your valley, your circumstances, your safety that you dare not fight for the heart of your King? My King gave his life for me, he deserves to get all I have. . .and all you have. Regardless of my situation, your situation, God is looking for some barbarians. He's had them in the past. Those who were willing to be different - look different, speak different, stand up for something different. John the Baptist, Noah, Rahab, Elijah, Peter, Stephen, and even Paul all fought and gave all they had for the heart of their King. In fact, all of the apostles, except John, lost their life for their beliefs and the stand they made for the Kingdom of God.

I must remind you that being a barbarian is not about comfort, security, or riches. It's about adventure and danger. It's about a greater reward than anything we can imagine here on earth. It's about giving up ourselves for a greater cause - the Kingdom of God.

I'm still learning and praying, asking God to give me the heart and spirit of a Barabarian. What about you? Ready to take up the cause - it will definitely take your focus off your valley!

Fighting for the heart of my King,


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