It's not really about me? Part 1
In my last post (click here) I stated that our valley experiences are not really about us. Though we often focus on our needs, feelings, etc. we forget that what we have learned is for someone else. To be honest I don't know that I find much comfort in this concept. When I'm going through MY valley it is sooo difficult to focus on someone else. Isn't it? I don't think I'm the only one, am I? Do you tend to focus on your needs, feelings, wants, desires, emotions, and pain?
But then again, isn't this our nature - the spirit of the world - controlling us? Even Super Saint Paul struggled with his fleshly nature. Now I must recognize and acknowledge that your needs are valid and they are yours to be addressed. I am simply suggesting that we don't dwell on them. Doing so creates within us a self-centered world view. Our world becomes completely about us and our needs. That's not what Christ had in mind. If he had he would have never gone through with a cross-like death. And . . . if he is to be our model then we need to change our world view.
Paul tells young Timothy, a young pastor, to teach others the things he has learned from Paul so they, in turn, can teach still others. Somehow I want to believe some of the things Timothy learned from Paul had to do with some of his valley expereinces. Paul was beaten, whipped, shipwrecked, nearly froze to death, nearly starved to death and a host of other personal calamaties.
So, if you're thinking this valley is for you, I think you're wrong. Yes, you have a valley to journey through, but I don't believe for a moment that you are on this journey solely for your own personal reasons.
Stop for a moment and ask God who you could help with your experience. He may not give you a name right now, but don't be surprised if, over the course of time, you don't cross paths with someone who needs your experience to travel the roads of the valley.
Lookin' for others,
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