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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Is it really about me? Intro

This post will be one in a series that God is teaching me and so I will use this post as an introduction to the series so don't go off on me if I don't fully explainn everything here. I am just setting the tone for future posts.

I'm reading Don Miller's Blue Like Jazz. It's a very interesting read. In it he suggests the idea that behind the problems of the world is the major issue of self-absorption. In other words, he posits the idea that we live life focused on ourselves. I would have to agree, especially when we enter into valley times of our lives.

Think through this with me. When we enter those times in our lives, some pretty deep, for others just a mild slope between two rises, what's our first thought? Isn't it usually focused on what we are going through and how WE are going to deal with it? Isn't our modus operandi to turn inward and begin looking at how this whole valley thing is going to affect us? How will it make me feel? How will I get through it? I. Me. No one else.

Allow me to suggest that valley experiences are not about us alone. How do I know? Glad you asked. Because of my valley experience with Karen's cancer and death I know what it means to look inward. I remember the first week without Karen. Those nights were devestating. I would lie in bed crying out to God to bring Karen back. Even though we didn't even sleep in the same room her last couple of months, much less in the same bed, I wanted her back. I wanted to hold her again. I wanted to see her smile and feel her touch. And I couldn't. . .wouldn't. . .ever again. It was about me. . .my feelings . . .my needs.

What I learned was that while this may have been normal, God was using it to show me some things to be used later. One of those was that God was preparing me to minister to others. Mostly through this blog. He has also allowed me to use email and one-on-one discussions to help others.

Jesus modeled this for us. In his own words he said that he came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ranson for many. When faced with the dilemma of his own valley of life or death, he didn't think of his own life and how he felt, or how it would impact his mental or physical state. He thought of you and me. He knew that his valley would be for others. He knew that on the other side of the valley lie eternity with the Father. But what a valley he would have to go through to get there. . .for you and for me.

I want to encourage you. As you enter, proceed, venture into your own personal valley experience recognize the fact that, yeah, it will impact your personally, but ultimately it may not be about you.

Valley experiencers - awaken, arise, and go forth with the prayers of the saints and comfort that this valley is not for you!

Traveling with you in mind,


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