It's not really about me? Part 3
I'm sorry it has been so long between posts. Please forgive me. Between life and ministry, things like my blog sometimes gets placed on the back burner.
I want to wrap up the series It's not really about me?
Have you noticed that the title of this entry and the previous two entries is a question? It is not a statement as to say, "It's not about me!" as though you were acknowledging the fact that you KNOW it's not about you. It is a question. It is purposeful. Why? Because so many of us live life, especially in the valley times, focused on us, me, I, mine. Kind of like that Toby Keith song, I Wanna Talk About Me. In in he shares how his girlfriend always wants to talk about herself and jhow ever so often he would like the focus of their conversation to be about him. Know someome like that? Could that someone be you?
You see, being in the valley, as I have stated before, is not about us. Yes, again I will acknowledge that it is WE who are in the valley, and it is WE who are being tested and tempted, and, yes, it is WE who are struggling and in turn have to deal with real emotions and real feelings. But being in the valley is about so much more. It is about people who need to learn from our experience. It is about allowing God to be God. It is also about the flock. When we are in the valley, sometimes trudging along, sometimes strolling along, we give the flock a chance to do their thing.
The Bible tells us that we are all one body (OK so I'm mixing metaphors. If you haven't already noticed that I do that, then here's a good opportunity for you to know, oh well.) . And just like a body that hurts when one part of it hurts so does the Body of Christ, or the flock, hurt when we hurt. And when a part of our body hurts the rest of the body goes into action to prevent loss to the body until we get a chance to get the part treated. Guess what happens in the Body of Christ? You got it! The flock comes around the hurting sheep and comforts it, protects it, and, simply put, does it's thing.
When we go through the valley and focus solely on ourselves we are missing the big picture. To be blatanly honest - get over yourself. It can become so easy to be the focus of your life that you forget everyone else that God has put in place to learn from you, to bless you, to encourage you, to help you, to treat you. How selfish!
It really isn't ALL about you. This time in the valley is for you, yes, but it's about so much more. If this is you, then take a moment to confess this to God. 1 John 1:9 says that if we are faithful to confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Receive his healing forgiveness and ask him to give you new eyes to see all the people he has prepared just for you.
If you have realized that your journey in the valley is not about you, then take a moment and thank God for the blessing he has given you and for the people he has put in your life during your valley experience.
Looking out for others,
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