No One Beyond God's Grace!
Sorry I haven't posted anything all week. I have been with the rest of our staff on staff retreat. While we laughed a lot, we worked extremely hard. My mind was pretty mushy when we left. NO COMMENTS ABOUT MY MUSHY MIND!!
During one of our sessions early in the week our pastor shared this thought, "No one beyond God's grace." We talked about that all week. It kept coming up and we kept going back to it. During one of the sessions, or lunch, or while we were walking, . . . or sometime during the week it hit me, if no one is beyond God's grace, then that means even valley experiencers are not beyond God's grace. And if no one is beyond God's grace, then the flock ought to pursue valley experiencers with a passion so they may experience God's grace through the flock. Hhhmmm!!
Now there's a thought - grace extended through us to those who need it the most! As I thought about it I kept coming back to the thought this applies to me as I run into rude waiters, or people who don't know how to drive, or frustrating people in my life, or the woman I look at in a condescending/judgemental manner.
It also means that as a valley experiencer, I'm not beyond God's grace - his blessings, he riches, his heart, his eyes, his covering of my life. It means that even in the deepest parts of the valley I cannot hide from his grace. WOW!! I don't know about you, but that has got to be one of the coolest things about God. I can't even try to hide from his grace. It's there. . . always . . . covering me, empowering me, moving me forward.
Remember, you, too, are not beyond God's grace, neither is your neighbor, co-worker, family member, parent, child, husband, wife, friend, or stranger. Also remember that grace is to flow through us not just to us.
Here's a great question a friend recently asked, Are a cup or a pitcher?
Covered in God's Grace,