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In the Midst of the Valley

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In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It Can Get Messy!

One thing I've come to accept while going through the valley is that life in the valley can get messy.

You know what I mean - things don't always make sense. Things seem to be out of order. Feelings can't be justified. Actions may be questionable. I think this may be due to the change we experience. It could also be due to the fact that where we are is new, it's unknown, and we're not sure what we are supposed to do, feel, or how to act.

Here's the good news - God likes messy! And I am so thankful. Know what this means? It means you and I don't have to "have it all together" when BEFORE we meet Jesus. It means I don't have to know what to do or think or feel. It means I get to come to Jesus just like I am. And so do you!! When we are in the valley it's tought to know where to turn next. I'm just glad I don't have the added pressure of being all cleaned up and churchy to come to Christ.

In The Big Mo'-continued I spoke of Jillian, a young, college-agedgirl I met in Mobile who explained to me the object she was wearing on a chain around her neck was the zipper to an ex-girlfriend's pair of pants. How do you think the church would respond to her if she said something along those lines when she visited worship, Bible study, or small group? It's funny, as much as we talk about being relevent and seeker friendly (blah, blah, blah) when I share this with Christians, young and old, I get similar responses - shock, gasps, sighs. What would Jillian think if she saw the faces of those same people? What would her friends think about the church and about Christ? I'm afraid she would see condemnation, judgement, and rejection, instead of love and acceptance. You see, the problem is we want people to get "cleaned up" before they come to Christ. The fact is, they won't until they meet him.

Ok . . . so I rant a bit, but this is quickly becoming one of my pet pieves of the church. How do we reach a lost world with rejection, condemnation, and judgement?

The great thing is that we are all like Jillian - marred with a sinful nature. We all have fallen short of the glory of God and have sinned. Our sin is no better, now worse. In light of this, we all have the wonderful opportunity to come before a forgiving God and receive his love and forgiveness. As a matter of fact, the Shepherd is waiting for people like Jillian and me (and even you). He desires to care, love, and nurture us. I'm so thankful he's not like the church who would rather take sick and hurting sheep out back and "put them out of their misery." When it's just an easy way for us not to have to deal with them.

Here's an idea, as the flock, maybe we should come around them, protect them, make them feel like part of the flock, maybe . . . just maybe we could get the Shepherd's attention and bring them to him. Just a thought.

Valley experiencers - rest assured there is a Shepherd who loves you. When you're feeling "messy", trust the Shepherd. He likes messy.

Flock - see the messy and love 'em.

Makin' a mess,


At 6/19/2005 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that unfortunately, most of us (or at least I) can look back to a time when we've looked down at or judged another person. The sad part is that the majority of the time we condemn the person coming in due to our own fear of a sin we have. All to often Christians attempt to be magicians by bringing everyone's attention to one person while their own life is falling apart because, after all, we're Christians and therefore our lives are nothing but roses. (Yeah, I am completely aware that the last statement is totally untrue but too many of us still think that "life of roses" is the facade we must put forth)

At 6/23/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger Loren said...

It makes me feel really good to see that someone else in a church in the southern part of the United States feels that people can come to God dirty in order to get clean. Thanks for the post! I enjoy reading both blogs!



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