A Look at Karen
I just realized that some of you reading this blog may not know what Karen looked like. So here are some pictures taken since March and up to her passing.

Karen and her friend, Tama

Karen and her brother, Junior

Karen and her neices, Haley & Sydney

Karen with my Mom (on right) and friend, Debbie (center)

Karen and her nephew, Dallas (she loved him very much)

Karen with our god-children Seth (left), Spencer (center), and Aubrey (only girl)

Karen and me at Starbucks (our 2nd home)
For Karen - Grande, non-fat, decaf, 2-pump mocha mocha with extra whip
For Mike - Grande (or Venti) stongest, boldest drip - no room
There are more pictures of Karen with other friends and family members. I will try to post more of these.
Thanks for the pictures
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