Is the End in Sight?
As many of you know I journal. In my journal I write my thoughts, lessons God is teaching me, struggles I'm wrestling with, the good-the bad-the ugly. It's all right there in my journal. Some days I write pages and pages. Some days I don't even complete an entire paragraph (remember, I'm A.D.D.). I write in first, second, and third person - sometimes in the same paragraph, maybe in the same sentence. I don't really care - it MY journal. :)
Here is what I wrote on October 2, 2006:
I haven't posted anything to the In the Midst of the Valley blog in a while. That has taken a back seat to my new passion. I'm thinking of wrapping it up and closing it. It would still be available, but I don't know what else to add. I just don't know if I could add anything new. I have considered turning it into a book. That would be a lot of work - organizing it, re-writes, publishing, etc. I don't know if I'm ready for a new responsibility. Maybe Gene (my friend and mentor) could give me some insight.
I also dont' know if I've learned all there is to learn about living in the valley. What if there's something else (to learn)? What if I have this big "AHA!" moment?
Then there's the "Have I made it to the mountain top yet?" question. I don't know if I have or not. When will I know? What sould I expect? Do we have mini-mountain top experiences along the way to the "BIG" mountain top - whatever that is?
Then there's the "How do I wrap it up?" question. Do I just say thanks and that's the end? Do I explain myself and what God's doing in my life now and say good night?
Father, grant me the wisdom to move forward. I sense it's time to move on. And if you should want me to put the stuff in a book for others to have in the midst of their valley, please let me know.
So there you have it. Word for word straight from my pen - my thoughts, my struggle, my heart. Is it time to move on? God has definitely impressed a new passion and ministry on my heart and I desire to pursue it at some point. And, of course, what do I do with all this stuff. Believe me, it's good stuff - ok, so I'm a little biased. There's about a year and a half of lessons, insights, thoughts, emotions, and struggles right here for anyone to see and read. Should I publish it? If so, how? Do it myself? Use a publishing company? I just don't have a clue.
Please pray that God would give wisdom and clear direction.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. - Let me know what you think about the publishing stuff.