God's Seasons
Do you ever think of God's seasons? I did. I mean. . . we experience different seasons of life. Like new chapters in a book that keep the story going, seasons reflect periods of time in our lives. God has seasons - not like fall, winter, spring, summer - He created those. Im talking something along the lines of chapters in history.
Ever think God does something just for the heck of it? Mmmm. . .come to think of it, I don't ever remember thinking along these lines. You may have. I may have. I just don't remember.
Was reading the first chapter of Titus this morning and this phrase kept sticking in my craw, "His appointed season." For the entire passage and it's context click [here]. Basically, Paul was speaking of the God's use of Paul's preaching of the gospel at God's appointed season, or time.
Make no mistake about it - God doesn't do stuff just for the heck of it. He always has a plan and a purpose for everything He does or allows. Take Jesus' coming, for instance. In Galatians 4:4 Paul writes, " But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son." In other words, Jesus didn't come to earth until God was ready for Him to come. For in God's timing, His season, Jesus came to redeem us - not a "season" sooner or later.
It is also no mistake to think we are tested and tempted when we are. It is not by fate, coincidence, or just plain bad luck when we encounter valley times in our lives. He (God) has appointed us to enter into the valley at His appointed season.
And just like the seasons of the year, our seasons in the valley have specific time frames. Now these time frames, these seasons, may be dependant upon our learning and applying specific lessons to our lives or a need for growth and dependence upon God. I don't think we can just sit around and wait it out. Try that and you/I could be spending a long time in the valley - much longer than we care to.
So. . . what do I do? What do you do? Let me suggest. . .pursue the heart of God. Asking Him to show me, to show you, the lesson(s) we are supposed to learn - AND LEARN IT!! I'm here in this valley for a season. I'm here because God appointed me to be here. I'm here because God loves and and desires me to grow in my faith in and knowledge of Him.
So. . .make no mistake. . . it's no accident. . .no coincidence. . . that I'm in the valley right now. So, I should thank the Lord for loving me enough to want me to learn and grow.
Thank you for this season of life in the valley
May I learn and grow as you desire
Mike, I thoroughly enjoyed your thoughts about God's seasons. When we accept change as a season for our good, life is so much sweeter, and God can work out his purpose & plan for our lives.
Hello Mike,
I have had this theme of our God being a God of seasons for a long time now - nagging away at the back of my mind. I am so glad I came across your post and may God enrich you greatly... Enjoy your walk with God.... I am so enjoying mine. I am also in the "valley" now but I'm loving it all the same. God is soooooo beautiful, so loving, so kind, so strategic, so wise, so lovingly disciplined. Bless you and your family..
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