. . . that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. - 1 Timothy 4:10
As Paul says, this is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (v. 9). So, if it is trustworthy - something I can put my trust in - and it does deserve full acceptance - no partial acceptance here - the I must ask myself, Where is my hope?
Is it in the living God or in my abilities? Is it in the Savior of all men or in the desire of a mate? As a believer, is my hope in the one who has redeemed me or in the affirmation of men?
Where is my hope?
As far as hope goes, I'm not rattling on about wishes or something that turns into desparate exasperation. No, what Paul is talking about is the hope built on assurance that leads to expectancy. It's the same word Peter uses in 1 Peter 3:15-16
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
It's having my assurance in the living God, knowing He is the living God. It's having an assurance that He is the Savior of all men. As a believer I have the assurance that He is God - living, active, caring - and He is the Savior of all men.
My part in this relationship is to put that assurance to work, living a life of expectancy. It is up to me - no one else - to live my life with that expectancy. It's not up to my parents, my friends, my pastor, or even God. It's up to me! It's up to you to live that kind of life.
Listen. . .I know what it's like to be in such a place and know such a depth of despair that you start placing your hope in anything and anyone. I've been there. I know. I also know the blessing of living my life with an expectancy. . .an assurance. . .a hope in the God who created me and redeemed me.
If you're in the valley and things are looking pretty bleak ask yourself, Where is my hope. . .my assurance? If it is any place other than the living, caring, loving God of this universe I encourage you to stop what you're doing, confess to God that you've placed your hope in someone or something else, then ask Him to help you place your trust. . .your hope. . .your assurance in Him, and Him alone.
Whether you know it or not, He's waiting for you to do this very thing. I don't guarantee it will make things easier or better, at least not right now, but I do know there is a peace that comes with a hope placed in God that doesn't come from anyone or anything else.
Today, while it is still called today, place you're hope in Him.
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