Such Strange Ways
The other day I heard the song A Strange Way to Save the World. All I could find was the Jump5 lyrics, but iTunes had a version recorded by 4-Him. Go figure. So here are the lyrics. The chorus really spoke to me because it's as if Joseph was talking to God and asking why him, why Mary, why their child when there are so many other options?
The only thing I can say is that God uses strange ways to accomplish his purposes. I mean, think about it for a second. . .who would have thought that sending a Savior through the birth of a child would be the way God, or anyone for that matter, would have done it. I often wonder about it, then again, I'm pretty wierd like that.
It's no different for those in the valley. Think about that! Would you have done it this way? Would you have put yourself through this valley in order for you to experience the greatest potential for spiritual growth in your life? Me - NO WAY!! I would have chosen a much easier way. I would have selected something that didn't quite have the pain and suffering included. I would done it a number of other ways, but I would have never thought of putting myself in such a place.
But God did. He thought about it and here we are! I've said it before - God's still God and no matter what He's still right. He knew what I needed - what you needed. He selected this strange way for you to experience growth in your life. He chose for YOU to experience this valley. Christ also experienced his own valley. He chose to give up ALL of his eternal rights and privileges to come to earth and take on the form of man - just like you and me - but he went further to become a servant, a slave, who was obedient, even to the point of experiencing a cross-like death. Why did Christ do this? Because God chose this way for him. Yes, God did that - He did it for you and me. We wouldn't have chosen that way, but God did. And He did it for you and for me.
So. . .when you wonder why? When it just doesn't make sense. Remember that God's ways are not our ways, but His ways are always right and always best.
Learning to the strange,
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