A change in the focus of my prayers
When I first began this journey through the valley my prayers were very much focused on myself, my needs and my journey. I have noticed, recently, the focus of my prayers have changed. Doesn't mean that I still don't lift of my needs, cares, feelings, thoughts, and emotions up to God. It does mean that rather than those needs being the sole focus of my interactions with God, other things have taken their place.
I have begun to sincerely and genuinely intercede for others - specific people God has placed on my heart to lift up in prayer. It wasn't a conscious effort. It just sort of happened. It's been a long time - or at least it feels that way - since I have passionately prayed for specific people and their needs. I am also praying for specific situations and circumstances. That's been kind of different as well.
I guess the gist of it all is that while I still pray for me and my needs, my focus has become external to myself. I don't have this long list of people I pray for. I pray for those that God specifically places on my heart. Some I know very well. Some I know on a limited basis. Regardless of what or who I pray for I am loving it. I picture myself standing, or sitting, before God and talking to - interacting with Him about the people and situations that are heavy on my heart. It's all quite surreal and very much real at the same time (I know, that may not make much sense, but I don't know how else to describe it).
It seems I pray quite often (I didn't even realize it until very recently) and at times with deep groaings for those I pray for. At times I weep for them and thier circumstances. I go to sleep praying. I wake up in the middle of the night and I find myself lying in bed lifting someone or something up to God. I wake in morning and before I get out of bed I discover myself talking to God about someone else or another situation. Sometimes I pray a different prayer for the same person or circumstance. It's whatever God burdens my heart with.
I know this sounds somewhat wierd or, to some, that I'm patting myself on the back, but, to be honest, it is kind of strange and all I know to do is to continue. I don't know that I have ever expereinced this kind of passion for prayer in my walk with God. I know to some this passion for prayer should be an obvious part of the Christ-followers journey, but let me remind ALL of you that the focus of many valley experiencers is themselves and their situation. Flock - that doesn't mean they don't love you or care for you, but sometimes the valley is so deep and so dark that even thinking about someone else and their circumstance is tough to do. So, don't take it personal.
Valley experiencers - let me encourage you to continue moving forward. Continue lifting up your heart to God. Be honest - you're only fooling yourself if you're not. And when you come to that place where you believe you're ready - and only you know when and where that is - ask God to give you someone or something to pray for. He will. . .you will. When you do, it will be an incredible feeling of freedom! This doesn't mean I don't cry or hurt on occasion out of my own experiences. I do. You will, too. But there's something about standing in the gap for someone that is wonderfully freeing!
OK, I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Let me know about your experiences.
Pursuing God's Heart,
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