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In the Midst of the Valley

Picture courtesy of PD Photo

In the Midst of the Valley is about being in the midst of so much stuff it's hard to see the sky. Ever feel like that? What we don't realize, sometimes, is that there are incredible treasures to be found in the valley! This blog was started because I beleive that the greatest potential for spiritual growth is in the valley - not on the mountain top. These are lessons God has taught me as I go through the valley season of my life. May He use them to minister to you. Mike

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hope for the Holidays

Came across this article through an email I recieved from Family Life. It is entitled Giving Hope in the Holidays: Encouraging those who have lost loved ones. After reading the article I believe it's one we could use for everyone we know who is experiencing a valley time - a low time - in their life during the holidays.

I would like to take a moment to summarize for the flock and fellow valley experiencers what we can give to encourage and provide hope through Christmas:

1) The Gift of Listening
One of the greatest, and most overlooked, gifts we can provide is the gift of listening. It may not sound like much, but take it from somoeone who needs a listener every once in a while, it is very much needed. It has been very helpful for me just to have people in my life who listen. They don't try to judge, criticize, give advice, or help. They just know that being there to listen is ministry and encouragement enough.

2) The Gift of Remembrance
Memories, regardless of how much they make us cry, can be a great way to encourage others. Remember the good memories - experssions, gifts, situations that made you laugh, stories you shared together. Give valley experiencers room to share, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear or two. Believe me - it's good. I love to share stories. Sometimes they're the same stories over and over again. I find that the more I share them the more they warm my heart and put a smile on my face.

3) The Gift of Comforting with the Comfort You Were Given
If you have experienced a similar valley as someone you know who is currently going through a low time in their life ask God to give you the ability - the heart and strength - to minister to them with the same grace and comfort you received while you were in the valley. God has given me so many opportunities - some I'm just finding out about - to minister to others. He has helped me get this far and now I'm helping others. You can too.

4) The Gift of the Unusual
Try encouraging them to do something outside of their ordinary holiday traditions. Flock - we need to understand that following or participating in certain traditions may be too painful for valley experiencers. Karen and I would always open our gifts on Christmas Eve. Not anymore. Not this Christmas. I'm not sure what I will do instead. Maybe ride my motorcycle and enjoy the gift of Christ in an unusual way. Yesterday I joined a bunch of bikers in a Toys-for-Tots ride. Never did it before, but look forward to doing it again. Maybe it will become my new Christmas tradition.

5) The Gift of Enduring Friendship
Flock - just be there for those in the valley. Include them in what you're doing. Being alone while you're in the valley is difficult as it is - much less during the holidays. Invite them to gatherings. Sit with them in church. Call and check up on them. Send them a note or an email to encourage them. A friend from a former church sent me an encouraging note this afternoon. You may not say much and doing something like sitting with them in church may not seem like a big thing to you, but to those in the valley - man-oh-man - it speaks volumes.

6) The Gift of Prayer
Even if you don't think you can give any of the gifts listed above you can always pray. Pray for their journey. Pray for strength. Pray for God's presence to be felt in a very real way. Pray for endurance. Pray for personal peace. Pray for people to come alongside them. Pray for the wisdom, grace, and compassion to minister to them. I know from my own journey how important prayer has been. Not necessarily my prayers but the prayers of godly saints all over the world. Don't miss out on a gift that doesn't cost you anything but time.

7) The Gift of Hope
Remind them of the hope they have in Christ. Remind them there is an "other side" even if they don't see it or believe it now. Give them the gift of hope by being Jesus to them during this often difficult season in the valley. Love them, encourage them, come alongside them, and be there for them. Let them see you care, not because they are going through the valley, but because of Christ in you. A friend recently reminded me that there is an "other side" to the valley I was experiencing and at that place waits a marvelous blessing provided by my King!!

As each of us prepare for the Christmas season remember that we all will be preparing - each in his or her own personal way. Some of us will go through this season a little different - for some a lot different - than we did last year. Join me in giving the gift of hope.

May these be helpful to you.



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